basketcase89 said:
My history teacher said if she didn't get into Macquarie, USyd or UNSW she wouldn't have bothered going to uni at all. Talk about snobbery.
For the record she did a teaching degree at USyd.
lol i can see her point if she does teaching - my mum's a teacher and she often has student teachers that she has to 'mark' and she always whinges about UWS - not because the course is bad but because their admin is bad. Some teachers are so shitted off with the admin inadequacy that they refuse to take UWS students.
but that said - plenty get good jobs, espec since teaching if ur in teh public system, its not like you can pick and choose the best school and go suck up to em to get a job there coz it's based on if you got any special areas eg G&T or music or science or whatever, and where you wanna teach as in suburbs.
lol mac.unsw,usyd - lol - left out one of the BEST unis for teaching lol - UNE... seems like they're regarded as one of the best just logistically not the greatest.... teaching is the most awesome in a way - guaranteed 1st yr out decent salary and i mean, long as you're not picky about where you wanna teach and all that you'll get a job i don't think saying you wouldn't' bother going to uni is a good idea

... unlike a lot of other careers lol with like a fab $35k salary 1st yr out lol if that....