I WANT to chuck out my comp, tv and dvds/player - All cleverly located in my bedroom - but alas, I can not. I also want to chuck out my laptop, but I can't either - I'm on the bloody thing. I've kind of, in a way, sacrificing the t.v and dvd and the comp in my room, for the lounge room and this laptop... Small start, but I'm getting there!
Whoever's cutting down on their sport... Well, I can't do that. Sport?! I just can't!

But if I do, the gym across the street will do me just fine!
Like everyone else, I want to scrap msn, but I don't think I'll ever get around to it...

I plan to cut down on my social life, as are my friends, so this will have to be the substitute - While I will still be socialising online more, it won't be as much as I normally would in reality!
Getting study done after school max 5 hours (min. 4)... Who the hell wants to come home from school, only to settle down for more school?! Losing the comp and t.v is a factor here as well...
And I guess I'm going to act more uninterested in guys... No potential Bf's until after the HSC; but you're all so hawt, so I just don't know if this'll stick...!