Hahahaha I'm like gonna be the only person who says Ext 2 maths, i got like 44% in the trial (independent).. maths ext 1 isnt much better (51% or something in the trial)... these are terrible compared to stuff like physics where i got 89...
Modern...hopefully not screwed but i can't wait to burn it....its seriously the dumbest subject where you don't learn anything applicable to life. WASTE OF LIFE!!!
Hopefully my maths ext 1 will eat off a modern history unit !
2 Unit Math!!!! haven't done any study for it since trials,
oh, and that king lear question for english....its jst been to sunny, i keep goin to the beach
ive spent 2/3 of stuvac studying for maths, sdd, bio and im pretty sure ill do good with them...
meanwhile the first 2 english exams and history which are crammed fairly close together are only a week away and i have yet to study for them. im hoping that memorising prewritten essays (yes my own essays.....hmmm...
*gets an idea and leaves thread before finishing post
Well im screwe wiht English as well
Only one week to go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :burn: :burn:
i guess we all have to suffer in da HSC