I went last week for a campus tour (because I couldn't make the open or pea day) and took a canberra brouchure from the hotel. Its mostly touristy stuff but it does have a list of the shopping malls, which came in handy... I've been told as far as pubs and things go, its not like here where there is a pub on every second corner, you have to go into civic to the nightclubs and stuff. My guide for the tour told me no one really goes to the uni bar at night because its only 10mins or so to walk from there to where the real stuff is happening...
sorry I forgot about you 2003! Don't worry about not having the enrollment pack. All you need to accept is the tearaway section of your UAC acceptance letter, which you sign and date, then, if your like me and live in a crappy town with slow, crappy postage, you express post it today

You can get a pdf of the enrollment guide from the anu website, same with the o-week info.