HSC+Subjectiveness = LAME!
I wonder if HSC Markers are like..."nah, this kids mathematic equation doesn't look as nice as that other one...I'll mark him down..."
Like what the fucckk? The system is an absolute piece. It seriously rewards no creativity what so ever...we're all being bred to know money and make money...study maths, business and science and you'll scale well!

but not Art or English...they don't matter to this state!

...I did my HSC last year and did well so no I am not bitching about my results this year, I just understand how retarded the whole thing is...
I know anyone who has poured their heart into works of art that have been slashed down due to a piss weak scaling system, are sitting their pretty pissed off and dumb founded right now. The whole HSC will change soon enough and you will all be victims of a shitty old curriculum..
Haha I could go on about this but seriously...people have to realise what's going on. Fuucckk the HSC...The thing is ridonculous, scaling system is just out of control stupid. What makes a kid smarter if he's good at maths and you're good at Art? Straight ig'nant maann. Hope you guys still did well though.