I hope I'm not coming off as passive aggressive ^^
imo not really ahaI hope I'm not coming off as passive aggressive ^^
I've been told I should b a lawyer or engineer...They thought this .. They thought that.
They are not you.
Just cause a careers test said this .... Doesn't mean it matches you.
Since I'm analytical, a careers test said that I should be a statistician, boy was it wrong....
who cares, you get paid heapsI've been told I should b a lawyer or engineer...
Engineer especially is definitely not the type of career I'm looking for...
There's too many variables which are impossible to take into account.
Thanks!welcomemy exams start next week too
i don't really think I'm the right person to ask advice from hehehe xD I mean, I'm clearly procrastinating by being here whilst I should be doing work
This helps a lot! Thank you!maths- past papers
legal studies/ economics/ geo/ hospitality- past papers or make flash cards or mind maps
english- do practice essays or memorise important quotes/themes
go to the resource section or look at nerdasdasd's sig.does anyone know any links for preliminary biology past papers?
IMHO this shouldn't not be free. You have no legit credentials apart from getting 'A's in your Class/ school assessments, which honestly, doesn't give much of an indicator of how well you do in English in comparison to everyone else. For all we know, a large percentage of your cohort also gets As. Secondly, the fact that you're saying someone should be in English advanced in order for you to be willing to mark shows me that you do not, in fact,Hello,
just wanted you all to know that I am offering FREE essay marking from October onwards!
I am currently in Year 11 and undertaking English Advanced and English Extension 1, and will be picking up English Extension 2 in Year 12. My essays are always 19-20/20 and I would absolutely love to offer my help to anyone who wishes to improve their essays! However you MUST be in English Advanced as this will ensure we have the same course, ie similar texts and same modules, so that I can give you the best marks possible!
Please PM me with any queries, samples of your essays, etc. once OCTOBER has begun!
Please include the following:
- Reasoning for PMing (E.g. I want to write with more sophisticated language, I want to improve my thesis, etc.)
- Word count of essay (can simply send just introduction, one paragraph, etc. or full essay)
- When you would like your feedback by.
Thanks! Good luck to all of you and wishing you all the best in your academic endeavours! x
.love to offer my help to anyone who wishes to improve their essays!
I know someone in year 12 who lost their entire pencil case straight after a mathematics exam ....that moment when you lose half your pencil case right before yearly exams ._. nevertheless good luck guys!
Try out the resources area anyone know where I can find a general maths yearly exam?? I can only find HSC ones! (my teacher is shocking so I'm trying to learn the subject on my own with as little help as possible, he actually told me once to just keep typing the numbers in until I got the right answer!!)
If you have awesome time-managment, am able to pace yourself well and can commit well to long-term projects, nope. Just keep in mind that you're placing more stress on yourself with every major work you take up, because apparently they're all dued around the same time (i think it's all in the same week?). Idk about you, but personally I get really worn out after doing VA prac. It's like there's only so much creativity to go around that when you exhaust that resource, you're not committing 100% of what you can - and what the course demands.I've just discovered Bored of Studies - helped me so much with legal already
So my subjects are Eng Adv, Eng Ext 1, drama, music, society and culture, legal studies and 1 unit religion - which I will be dropping to pick up Eng Ext 2.
Which means 4 major works next year. Am I crazy???
Sounds like a statistician to me!There's too many variables which are impossible to take into account.
I don't think that there is anything at all wrong with what she is doing... since when did you have to be an English State-ranker to give advice on an essay? And there is a limit to how many essays and hence subjects that a person can do corrections on out of their own spare time.IMHO this shouldn't not be free. You have no legit credentials apart from getting 'A's in your Class/ school assessments, which honestly, doesn't give much of an indicator of how well you do in English in comparison to everyone else. For all we know, a large percentage of your cohort also gets As. Secondly, the fact that you're saying someone should be in English advanced in order for you to be willing to mark shows me that you do not, in fact, .
The reasoning behind, oh let's be in the same grade, doing the same module, so I can "help you" as best as I can possibly can, doesn't work, because if you're doing the same module, you're not learning ahead - you can't give them an edge in their essays because you don't know the content better than them. And if you don't, then why are you insisting only to mark those who do the same course as you?
If you really wanted to help people, you would either offer this "service" to all courses rather than specifically targeting advanced English, and target lower grades as you'll probably be more of a help there. Also, you wouldn't advertise your post as a "free essay marking" because this suggests that you have reason to not make it free. And you don't.
Not trying to be aggressive, but this is my honest opinion.
Since when did I mention you had to be a state ranker? The primary concern I have with her "service" is the implications behind it. Why can't the limit be a 'first come first serve basis?'. I'm not asking her to mark every essay that comes her way, I'm simply asking why she is discriminating against standard or ESL students when she and I quote,I don't think that there is anything at all wrong with what she is doing... since when did you have to be an English State-ranker to give advice on an essay? And there is a limit to how many essays and hence subjects that a person can do corrections on out of their own spare time.
Ironically those who do Standard english and ESL may be the ones who require more help in their essays. THis is a huge generalisation but an appropriate one. Advanced english, as a course is offered for students who are on a higher level of english than Standard or ESL. That isn't to say that advanced students don't require any help, but generally they will perhaps require less of, from another advanced student as opposed to what a standard student might. There is no leverage she can give to an advanced student - she is in the same cohort as all prelim students - which I'm assuming is the targeted audience."love to offer... help to anyone who wishes to improve their essays!"