To be honest, I'm not really depressed. I was just ''shocked'' (kinda devo) when I saw some marks today.
Got back 4 marks:
Physics - 52/75 ~69% (I'm seriously quite satisfied with this considering how bad I struggled with MC alone... let alone the harder section (i.e. short answers)).
I think 64 and 64.5 were some of the very high marks. Maybe top/near top. (Realise, what did you get for Physics? Since we did the same test...)
Business Studies - 58.5/70 ~84% (I think I got the highest, maybe 2nd highest, in my class and there's 2 classes in total... probs top 5 if not top 3)
I was a bit shocked at my raw mark for Business. I was pretty confident (and ya know, had dat belief) that I could get 90% raw for BS (i.e. 63/70)...
By section marks:
MC - 16/20 - Yeah, my worst section probs..... Class highest for MC was 18/20 but the guy who got 18 was completely destroyed in Short answers and Extended.
Short Answers - 24.5/30 - I got the highest for this section in my class, maybe the grade even... it was a poorly done section by the entire business cohort...
Business Report - 18/20 - My strongest section... but one person in the grade got 20... and there were apparently some 19s and other 18s...
Total: 58.5/70
2U Maths - 89/90 ~ 99% - Very happy, I lost 1 mark cause I didn't state the name of the triangle that I was inspecting for a geometry question.
So let's say you're meant to say ANGLE ABC = 69 degress (angle sum of triangle ABC) cause theres like so many triangles in the one diagram...
I just said angle sum of triangle.... and lost 1 mark
Tied 1st in my class.. 1 other guy got 89 and 2 guys got 88 in my class...
3U Maths - 57/66 ~ 86% - Yeah basically the ultimate shock considering my previous assessment performance.. was really expecting a 60/66.... but I just choked I guess, bigger choke than my very first 3U assessment...
A combination of sillies, misinterpreting a 3D trig question (still got partial marks) and not being able to do 1 question which was worth 4 marks (got 1 mark for it lol....)
Yeah, I was kinda shocked... Despite the choke, still 1st in my class BUT I assume it's a top 15 or 20 mark in the grade... MAYBE top 10 but I doubt it...
And @Deswa: sorry brah for da disappointment for ur belief in me

, I'm just too inconsistent when it comes to maffs... I told you my 2nd 3U assessment top was just a fluke...
Well, I'll get over it in a day or so...
Next few marks to come:
Economics - After what happened in business (I was way more confident in Business than Economics), I don't think I can an expect 90%+ raw in Eco... I want 72/80 but who knows?
Adv Eng: Speech... ummm might be in for a shocker... and Yearlies... who knows? I think my essay was great but short answers might kill it for me...
EE1 - Already know what mark range I got for my oral. somewhere in the B range.. idk exact mark...
Yeah, it'll be interesting to see who tops 3U maffs overall now.... cause the guys who were tied 1st overall didn't get as great as they usually do.... One got 62/66 when the highest in the grade was 65? And there was a 63?
What'll be more interesting is Year 11 dux.