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Engineering/Dentistry (2 Viewers)

noizy asassen

New Member
Jul 13, 2009
But my mum, she's totally against engineering and is fixed on me doing dentistry at University of Melbourne.
There is no undergrad dent course at Melb next year.

If I go to Melbourne for dentistry, I'm not sure if I can get a combined degree wtih something I do like!! ><
Combined degree...? WTF?

Unless you mean the undergrad degree you take before doing postgrad dent at Melb, there aren't any combined/double degrees in any dent course in Australia.


Apr 27, 2008
There is no undergrad dent course at Melb next year.

Omg so no one doing the 2009 hsc will be able to get into dentistry at melbourne uni?!?!

Combined degree...? WTF?

Unless you mean the undergrad degree you take before doing postgrad dent at Melb, there aren't any combined/double degrees in any dent course in Australia.
Combined degree like at unsw commerce/eng.


Feb 5, 2009
Tell her you have made your mind up and you want to become a gynecologist.

Make sure to take a picture of her face when you first tell her :)

M@ster P

Feb 9, 2008
stop ruining his life MOFO he is not suited to IB look i think your most suited to pharmacy - u dont have to chat or say only minimum crap then give them the drugs and say please come again... ok stick with pharmacy

Note to self: should have studied to become a careers guidance teacher
Mum what career should i get into?


The A-Team
Nov 16, 2006
Albury-Wodonga, NSW
Dude, if you become a civil engineer and work in the construction industry (roads, bridges etc), graduate salary is $74800 (i found out yesterday), thats with Abigroup anyway.

Do whatever you wanna do, don't listen to your mum.


Jun 12, 2008
Funny...Australia is one country that doesn't value Maths and Physics related degrees.
America is a place for intelligent people who love scientific subjects.

Even during HSC, guys and girls with half my knowledge of maths/physics are able to cram and get good marks in the internals. These dot-point foucsed syllabi!!

Australia is for those who wish to make money digging deep into people's teeth or treating sick aging population.

Space engineering and aeronautical stuff...I am sure is better than being surrounded by blood, viruses and sickness. Unless one is very empathetic and one loves serving others.
But I am sure most people go to medicine for money.


Feb 10, 2009
To the op itll be hard but tell your mum to shove it. She doesnt seem to want you to become a dentist for the satisfaction of it, but the perceived "upper class" and "i earn a six figure salary" notion that she can tell her friends about on the weekend.
Dont let her guilt you into a career because "i put you through high school."

In the end choose what you want to do and go ahead and do it. If your parents arent happy about it ask them "what is more important, me be happy what im doing or you being happy what im doing."

Note: Eng/Comm opens a range of employment opportunities that can very well lead to a career that pays more $ than dentistry.


just a star-crossed lover
May 27, 2008
To the op itll be hard but tell your mum to shove it. She doesnt seem to want you to become a dentist for the satisfaction of it, but the perceived "upper class" and "i earn a six figure salary" notion that she can tell her friends about on the weekend.
Dont let her guilt you into a career because "i put you through high school."

In the end choose what you want to do and go ahead and do it. If your parents arent happy about it ask them "what is more important, me be happy what im doing or you being happy what im doing."

Note: Eng/Comm opens a range of employment opportunities that can very well lead to a career that pays more $ than dentistry.
That'd be a rather nasty thing to do to the women who raised you up.

I think the OP should do what he wants. Just keep in mind that you have to achieve the marks needed first.


Jun 3, 2009
well i guess there is some truth in what she is saying

u go to sydney grammar which isn't exactly cheap so why would your mum be happy with you doing engineering? tbh eng is like the course people do when they get below 90atar and can't get into anything else worthwhile. Don't get me wrong, heaps of people who have gotten 95s or evern higher just do engineering but the vast majority are in the 80s with bonus uai points and do engo. You could have done engo had u gone to the local HS up the street. Thats prob where your mum is coming from why waste all that money for an course that is easy to GET INTO.

Secondly, you say that eng is an interest of yours. TBH careers and interests don't necessarily go hand in hand but when they do its also great. Like what im saying is think about lifestyle factors - pay, number of hours u want to work, time your able to spend with family when u have one, prestige factors (don't mean to be snobby but it does matter in circumstances and i don't like it either)

with engo you would have to work many hours, visit construction/machinary sites(working conditions are shotty, not all is office design work, endless amounts of calculations, CAD monkey type work, its really really not that great in terms of satisfying your interest of designing the next twin towers or similiar. Mostly its routine inspections, structural testing, some design, not all that it cracks upto be

with Dentistry you end up working less hours, more pay, YOUR UR OWN BOSS, no risk of loosing jobs, 4day weeks if choose, the rest you spend ur time with family, hobbies INTERESTS, travel GOLF etc

i donno its really what you want to do in life... work is work
and yet... the suicide rate...
I thought engineers were paid fairly well. over 6 figures for more experience senior roles and project leaders ect. Theres definently room for career advancement too. If you do masters and get some rare skills you could probably make more. I understand your position, money isn't really a factor in terms of choosing your future, but its a factor in ruling out futures. And I wouldn't expect engineering to be one of these.

I kind of feel sorry for you, parents are meant to be supportive

Also, actuaries and investment bankers can make alot too. My Dad runs the risk services department or something at ANZ, so he would know how much they get payed, and he says people who are very very good at what they do, including being very very good at mathematics, and have good business skills can make 200k, so...

granted, thats for the best, but if you actually enjoy it, it will be easier to do very well.

and if you want to you can move overseas to wall street or something, they pay heaps for good quants there.


New Member
Oct 8, 2007
Yeah, I've talked with my mum, and she agreed that if I got a masters at an American unis like Caltech or Mit after an undergrad at sydney uni, then I can do engineering commerce. It's great for me too, because I've always wanted to try working in another country :D And if my math and physics skills keep up I should be able to get in, I hope XD

Oh and when she heard that melbourne uni doesn't offer undergrad dentistry, she was like :O law, commerce?

Thanks for the advice guys!



Feb 1, 2008
Yeah, I've talked with my mum, and she agreed that if I got a masters at an American unis like Caltech or Mit after an undergrad at sydney uni, then I can do engineering commerce. It's great for me too, because I've always wanted to try working in another country :D And if my math and physics skills keep up I should be able to get in, I hope XD

Oh and when she heard that melbourne uni doesn't offer undergrad dentistry, she was like :O law, commerce?

Thanks for the advice guys!

get a reality check, your what 17 and know your going to get a masters in 7 years time at MIT??


Jun 3, 2009
get a reality check, your what 17 and know your going to get a masters in 7 years time at MIT??
If you really really enjoy it, are good at it, and really want to do it, its not such an outlandish prediction. Also I doubt it would be 7 years unless you were doing a double degree.

Granted, you could probably make better predictions in a year, once you see how well you like uni life, and how well uni life treats you, ie how well you do at university. Some people are more suited to university then school and vice versa, and entry into high end graduate degrees will focus much more, if not exclusively on your university results.


Jan 6, 2006
If you're looking into IB, i suggest fixing this whole no outward compassion and 'no facial expression' shit cause they look for well rounded kids who know their stuff and can talk the talk.. afterall IB has a element of 'salesmenship' to it and if you're some frigid asian who can't talk, its going to be hard to hire you.

Your mum is severely ill informed when it comes to engo.. severly ill informed.


Feb 12, 2009
get a reality check, your what 17 and know your going to get a masters in 7 years time at MIT??
wow such negativity. he did finish off with "i hope" so try to play nice children
and law has also been wiped off as an undergrad at melb uni.
i really think that you shouldnt be making your degree choice by what your parents want you to do. yea sure its nice if they were to support you, but your the one who is gonna endure and work for the degree (which is atleast three years of study). good luck and just do what you enjoy.


Nov 23, 2004
quite frankly u need to do what you are interested in. I see you want to be a banker, thats great if it is what you want to do.

To address your mom's concern about low pay, i can guarantee you a good banker can out earn any dentist any day and has lots of perks to go with it. Im not saying being a banker is easy or all glory but if its what you like to do then u'll love it.

I've being through the same scenario as you. I've made Griffith dentistry but decided not to go because 1. it was interstate. 2. I decided the only reason is wanted to do dentistry is for the money and i can make plenty more doing what i like.

I ended up doing actuarial science and will be interning at an IB this summer. Although i admit the pay is not gonna be as great as a grad dentist any time soon I believe that in a few years time I'll earn just as much/more than a dentist. Not to mention i do not have to be confined to a room looking at some stinking mouth all day.

Ask yourself what is the reason you want to do dent/engo/banking. Do NOT do any of them if it is PURELY for the money, u'll never go far i guarantee you. Money comes into it for sure but dont let it me the only thing that motivates you.

Gl with whateva choice you make and i hope you make the right one.


Jul 15, 2009
Ok, I really want to do engineering/commerce, using engineering as a back up degree in case I don't find work in a bank or investment firm.

But my mum, she's totally against engineering and is fixed on me doing dentistry at University of Melbourne. She says if I do engineering, and it becomes my career I will be earning very little and that's if I find a job. She is convinced that I will HAVE to work for the RTA with civil or electrical engineering. She says that dentistry will mean I have a great future ahead of me with lots of money. Engineering for her, is a no where degree. When I told her I wanted to do actuary, she absolutely forbid me to do it because she's convinced I will not pass the final exam and never find work.

The problem is, I don't want to learn medicine related fields. I'm a person who finds it hard to be well outwardly compassionate and I'm often told I have little facial expression.

While engineering is only going to be a back up for me, it's going to be a degree I do because I want to enjoy the physics and maths in it. I really enjoy maths, and the best thing is I'm doing well in it. I am from Sydney Grammar and am in the top 10 at least for maths, topping the last assessment. In physics I am ranking top 20. The problem is, despite this, she thinks I won't find work as an engineer and is scared shitless when I said I wanted to do commerce and investment banking or risk management related areas.

She says I don't understand what the world is like, and that if I do dentistry I will thank her later for it. But I don't like medicine which is a big problem because I don't want to end up 40 with money but doing a job I hate and knowing that I will spend the next 20 years doing what I hate.

If I did what I wanted to do, I'd be doing pure maths and physics, but I realise that down those paths is little money relative to applied maths and physics.

What do I do????

If I go to Melbourne for dentistry, I'm not sure if I can get a combined degree wtih something I do like!! ><

Btw if you haven't guessed yet, my parents are asian.

I am grateful for the investment they have given to me for a great education, but I think if I do what I love to do, maths and physics, that I will do well in the course and enjoy a happier life albeit with less money.

Haha i would have never guessed your parents were Azn

Whats this about Engineering being a nowhere job with little pay lol?

Engineering is one of the most in demand jobs in the world. With some of the highest pay in the world. Im not going to drag up the stats cos i cbf but Engineering is in the top 5 white collar jobs for pay, with the top Engineers earning $300,000+. You are almost guranteed to find a job as an Engineer, in Australia, and anywhere else in the world. If you do like your maths and physics it will be a very enjoyable career for you.

Fun Fact, Commerce/Engineering grads are VERY highly sought after in the Banking industry. A double degree will give you a much much higher chance of getting a good job because managers like the problem solving skills etc given to the grads from an engineering background. Plain Engineers are sought after even. Your mum is a nutter.

Do the double degree. If you dont like commerce you dont have to do it and you can do Engineering as a career. If you dont like Engineering as much as you thought you would, be an investment banker and rake in the money. Both jobs are quite well paid if you are good lol and well above average pay even if you are shit.

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