Resident Apologetic
please don't consider our 'lively banter' as 'arguments' per se,"your" Church? i'm quoting what i've learnt through 12 years of intense religion lessons and the readings and...homilies, is it called?.....when i used to be religious. i'm kinda arguing with you coz i'm running out of things to do around the house and you seem to be a very intelligent person. unlike all the idiots at school who lie about their faith coz they don't like the public system.
i'm in the catholic system coz i wanted to stay with my friends and i do well in religion. also my mum weny to the catholic schools here, and her mum, and her mum.....ect.
i'm out of arguments so unless someone wants to bring up creationism vs evolution (on which there are plenty of anti creationism books on our bookshelf) i am going to shut up
but rather some encouraging.. or discernment between scriptures..
i went to a catholic school for a year in year 6.
it's sad to see most of them arn't even catholic anymore.
they're more worldly then those who attend public schools. (well depends on the public school i guess
i hope my points raised.. clarified some aspects?
like the devil not being the ruler of hell, and the canonisation of the bible.
what was it that made you not be so 'religious'?
Christianity is not more of a 'institutionalized religion', than a passion for God.
I mean, i used to cringe everytime the pastor would say 'christanity is not a religion, it's a relationship with Jesus Christ' at the altar calls, but i've realised it myself.
some people have said 'wow, you're very religious.. (insert my name here)'.
but i think to myself..
no i'm not, i'm just passionate.
any here's a link you might be interested in:
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