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Christians -- (1 Viewer)

Jack Burton

ninja of the world
Nov 12, 2008
little china
sorry forgot the evidence... pretty much having a clean police record, never doing anything seriously bad and never hurting anyone enough to make them hurt other people.


Resident Apologetic
Mar 18, 2008
Within the interwebz
aaaaaah the new testament.. still the bible retard

the purpose of my life is to be a good person and die... i dont need god to give me purpose and if you do then your pathetic
Albert Camus, the famous atheistic existentialist philosopher once said,
'the only question modern man has to answer for himself,, is why not kill myself?'

if your purpose is ultimately..
to die?
why not kill yourself now?

if you believe that life was created not by a deity but by a cosmic accident = the big bang,

have the intellectual honesty, the intellectual consistency to see that
you are the result of a cosmic accident.

If your birth was an accident, and if your death will be an accident, then all that lies between is another accident that you call life.

but of course you have an innate drive for purpose and meaning.
that was not just caused by an cosmic accident
you were created to have that innate drive for purpose and meaning.

when you begin to examine that every single civilization in the world has it's own interpretation of the meaning of life, you'll begin to understand just how universal this innate drive is.

even a cursory study of anthropology shows us that every culture has had some kind of belief system. Humankind is incurably religious. Blaise Pascal, the brilliant seventeenth-century French physicist wrote, "You and I have a God-shaped vacuum at the center of our being." Every culture shows evidence of the drive to fill this empty space with something satisfying religiously. You and I have a sex drive. There is a sexual relationship to satisfy that drive. You and I have an appetite for food. There is food to satisfy our appetite. You and I also have a drive to know God. The Bible reveals that God created us to know him.

If there is no God, life is an accident. Humanity is absurd. Try and live out that view of reality. Most of us can't or refuse to. We insist upon attaching meaning and significance to our lives and actions. We have an innate drive to understand the purpose of our lives.Jesus said that we were created to love God with our heart, soul, mind and strength and to love our neighbor as ourselves.Our desire to live meaningful lives comes from the Creator who made us for a purpose.

aaaaaah the new testament.. still the bible retard
see you cannot argue that the new testament isn't historically accurate.

how about the torah, or the Qur'an?
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Aug 31, 2008
mizcuzzo im not talking to you shut up

no need to get angry... but did u read it... seems u did and not happy about it... but its the truth... like it or hate it
Choose Jesus not religion

Jack Burton

ninja of the world
Nov 12, 2008
little china
Albert Camus, the famous atheistic existentialist philosopher once said,
'the only question modern man has to answer for himself,, is why not kill myself?'

if your purpose is ultimately..
to die?
why not kill yourself now?

if you believe that life was created not by a deity but by a cosmic accident = the big bang,

have the intellectual honesty, the intellectual consistency to see that
you are the result of a cosmic accident.

If your birth was an accident, and if your death will be an accident, then all that lies between is another accident that you call life.

but of course you have an innate drive for purpose and meaning.
that was not just caused by an cosmic accident
you were created to have that innate drive for purpose and meaning.

when you begin to examine that every single civilization in the world has it's own interpretation of the meaning of life, you'll begin to understand just how universal this innate drive is.

even a cursory study of anthropology shows us that every culture has had some kind of belief system. Humankind is incurably religious. Blaise Pascal, the brilliant seventeenth-century French physicist wrote, "You and I have a God-shaped vacuum at the center of our being." Every culture shows evidence of the drive to fill this empty space with something satisfying religiously. You and I have a sex drive. There is a sexual relationship to satisfy that drive. You and I have an appetite for food. There is food to satisfy our appetite. You and I also have a drive to know God. The Bible reveals that God created us to know him.

If there is no God, life is an accident. Humanity is absurd. Try and live out that view of reality. Most of us can't or refuse to. We insist upon attaching meaning and significance to our lives and actions. We have an innate drive to understand the purpose of our lives.Jesus said that we were created to love God with our heart, soul, mind and strength and to love our neighbor as ourselves.Our desire to live meaningful lives comes from the Creator who made us for a purpose.

see you cannot argue that the new testament isn't historically accurate.

how about the torah, or the Qur'an?
you know why we have that drive because we are animals with sentience and we want to believe that our life isn't an accident, my life does have purpose so why would i kill myself just because a man said with no proof that god wants us to love him it doesn't make him real, anyways to love an all powerful god isn't a purpose in life.


Resident Apologetic
Mar 18, 2008
Within the interwebz
you know why we have that drive because we are animals with sentience and we want to believe that our life isn't an accident

my life does have purpose so why would i kill myself just because a man said with no proof that god wants us to love him it doesn't make him real, anyways to love an all powerful god isn't a purpose in life.
don't kid yourself.
have the intellectual honesty to see that if you believe the origin of life is from the big bang,then your life is the result of a cosmic accident.

to talk about meaning and purpose in life is a lapse into fantasy.
if there is no God, my birth is an accident, and my death is an accident.

have the honesty, the intellectual integrity to face the logical conclusions of your atheism.

but if there is a God, it's possible that you and i were created for a purpose. for a reason. and you and i as human beings have an innate drive to understand meaning and purpose in life.

you know deep down there has to be a sense of purpose and meaning in life.
why? because that's how God created you.

the purpose of your life, is to know God intimately.
to love him with all your heart, mind and soul,
and to love others


Nov 29, 2008
The White Tower of Hoeth, Saphery, Ulthuan
Firstly, let me deal with YOU Theism.

Please, Oh my PLEASE learn to read the Bible within its own context as well as Historical context.

Revelations is a letter written to the Romans in code. It is most definately NOT a description of the end times.

Also, pentecostalism is NOT the way to go. Faith in Jesus Christ as the Son of God who saves us from our sins is the way to go. I don't mean to be rude, but Pentecostalism takes WAY to many liberties with contextually reliant passages such as the use of Spiritual Gifts.

Jack Burton you are, what is commonly referred to as an idiot.

Josephus is a first century Jewish Historian. He was not a Christian. I can further reference "pagan" Historians who reference Jesus. Thallos, Mara bar Serapion, Tacitus, Pliny the Younger, Suetonius, Lucian of Samosata, Celsus. The Talmud also makes reference to Jesus. All making references to Jesus, so much so that we know moreso than we know that Caesar existed some very clear facts about him. These non-Christian sources give us his: name, place and timeframe of his public ministry, the name of his mother, the ambiguos nature of his birth, the name of one his (half) brothers, his fame as a teacher, his fame as a miracle worker/sorcerer, the attribution to him of the title "Messiah-Christ", his "Kingly" status in the eyes of some, the time and manner of his execution, the involvement of both the Romand and Jewish leadership in his death, the coincidence of an eclipse at the time of his death, the flourishing of a movement that worshipped Jesus after his death, and if one of Josephus' recosntructed accounts is to be believed - the report of Jesus' appearance to his followers after his death.

Academic circles take the New Testament seriously as a Historical source. They may not take the miracles and Jesus as God as fact, but they are taken VERY seriously.

The four Biographies of Jesus: Matthew, Mark, Luke and John; all have significant consistencies with what the proper picture of true eye witness statements contain. They share common and seperate sources and fall well within the bounds of the criterion of multiple attestation.

Get your facts straight before you come spewing garbage.


Individui Superiore
Nov 29, 2005
Well unless we get struck by a huge celestrial object, the end of our planet will be in ~ 5 Billon yrs when the sun implodes destroying our solar system.

As Nietzsche said:

"Once upon a time, in some out of the way corner of that universe which is dispersed into numberless twinkling solar systems, there was a star upon which clever beasts invented knowing. That was the most arrogant and mendacious minute of "world history," but nevertheless, it was only a minute. After nature had drawn a few breaths, the star cooled and congealed, and the clever beasts had to die. One might invent such a fable, and yet he still would not have adequately illustrated how miserable, how shadowy and transient, how aimless and arbitrary the human intellect looks within nature. There were eternities during which it did not exist. And when it is all over with the human intellect, nothing will have happened. "

Well be forgotten in space time as quick as it took us to come to be. That will be the end of the world as we know it...and I feel fine.
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Individui Superiore
Nov 29, 2005
don't kid yourself.
have the intellectual honesty to see that if you believe the origin of life is from the big bang,then your life is the result of a cosmic accident.

to talk about meaning and purpose in life is a lapse into fantasy.
if there is no God, my birth is an accident, and my death is an accident.

have the honesty, the intellectual integrity to face the logical conclusions of your atheism.

but if there is a God, it's possible that you and i were created for a purpose. for a reason. and you and i as human beings have an innate drive to understand meaning and purpose in life.

you know deep down there has to be a sense of purpose and meaning in life.
why? because that's how God created you.

the purpose of your life, is to know God intimately.
to love him with all your heart, mind and soul,
and to love others
There just words...

Let's get all non-cognitivist.

Without langauge, what is the purpose?


Resident Apologetic
Mar 18, 2008
Within the interwebz
Firstly, let me deal with YOU Theism.

Please, Oh my PLEASE learn to read the Bible within its own context as well as Historical context.

Revelations is a letter written to the Romans in code. It is most definately NOT a description of the end times.

Also, pentecostalism is NOT the way to go. Faith in Jesus Christ as the Son of God who saves us from our sins is the way to go. I don't mean to be rude, but Pentecostalism takes WAY to many liberties with contextually reliant passages such as the use of Spiritual Gifts.
Revelations is written by John (debated which john, and if the same john finished the book) about the visions he saw of the end times,
thus some what of a prophesy and a description of the end times.

yes foremost faith in Jesus Christ, THEN Pentecostalism is the way to go. honestly it talks about in the last days there will be a spiritual revival and i think the pentecostal movement is what it's referring to.

now from what i mean by 'pentecostalism' the way to go, is the emphasis of the holy spirit. that's pretty much what i mean.

The jews said 'why do we need Jesus? we have God'.
Jesus is at the right hand of the father.
his representative here on earth is the holy spirit.
the holy spirit is the most ignored person in the church


Nov 29, 2008
The White Tower of Hoeth, Saphery, Ulthuan
Well unless we get struck by a huge celestrial object, the end of our planet will be in ~ 5 Billon yrs when the sun implodes destroying our solar system.

As Nietzsche said:

"Once upon a time, in some out of the way corner of that universe which is dispersed into numberless twinkling solar systems, there was a star upon which clever beasts invented knowing. That was the most arrogant and mendacious minute of "world history," but nevertheless, it was only a minute. After nature had drawn a few breaths, the star cooled and congealed, and the clever beasts had to die. One might invent such a fable, and yet he still would not have adequately illustrated how miserable, how shadowy and transient, how aimless and arbitrary the human intellect looks within nature. There were eternities during which it did not exist. And when it is all over with the human intellect, nothing will have happened. "

Well be forgotten in space time as quick as it took us to come to be. That will be the end of the world as we know it...and I feel fine.
Nietzsche would have been THE biggest party killer of ALL time...


Sep 23, 2008
Why in too deep?

Just go with the flow and chillax, really.

If the world ends, then so be it.

C'est la vie - I think.


Resident Apologetic
Mar 18, 2008
Within the interwebz
Why in too deep?

Just go with the flow and chillax, really.

If the world ends, then so be it.

C'est la vie - I think.
i admire your relaxed attitude.
but i don't see how you can be so relaxed
when you will have to be martyred when the day comes?


Oct 26, 2008
if you look at the previous passages, Exodus 15:1-4
the symbolism of the horse and it's rider is this.
the horse is an army, the horseman is the leader.
if it was the Napoleonic years, what seal are we up to now?
the book of matthew also says of the first seal as the 'beginning of birth pains'.
meaning it will increase exponentially
Does the bible actually give a sense of the amount of time in which the seal breaking encompasses? WW1 WW2 were allot worse (Well it’s hard to define) than the Napoleonic wars anyway.

if your purpose is ultimately..
to die?
why not kill yourself now?

if you believe that life was created not by a deity but by a cosmic accident = the big bang,

have the intellectual honesty, the intellectual consistency to see that
you are the result of a cosmic accident.
If your birth was an accident, and if your death will be an accident, then all that lies between is another accident that you call life.
The "cosmic accident" and "accidental birth" which you talk of can be defined in a far better way as merely the continuation of a series of events which WILL occur. In our interpretation of them they are deemed as "accidents" but if you knew everything which occurred before them you could predict that they would occur and everything infinitely resulting from them.

The purpose of my life is to be a part of that continuation.
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Nov 29, 2008
The White Tower of Hoeth, Saphery, Ulthuan
Revelations is written by John (debated which john, and if the same john finished the book) about the visions he saw of the end times,
thus some what of a prophesy and a description of the end times.

yes foremost faith in Jesus Christ, THEN Pentecostalism is the way to go. honestly it talks about in the last days there will be a spiritual revival and i think the pentecostal movement is what it's referring to.

now from what i mean by 'pentecostalism' the way to go, is the emphasis of the holy spirit. that's pretty much what i mean.

The jews said 'why do we need Jesus? we have God'.
Jesus is at the right hand of the father.
his representative here on earth is the holy spirit.
the holy spirit is the most ignored person in the church
Read the first few Chapters of Revelation. Why in a Book about the end times does he specifically talk about certain Churches. This isn't the only example of Apocalyptic writing in the Bible... here's a good summary that I found that is line with .

What is the book of Revelation about?


Resident Apologetic
Mar 18, 2008
Within the interwebz
Does the bible actually give a sense of the amount of time in which the seal breaking encompasses? WW1 WW2 were allot worse (Well it’s hard to define) than the Napoleonic wars anyway.
not too sure,
but some have speculated 30-40 years from the first to the last seal (this is not biblical, just interpretation and speculation )

The "cosmic accident" and "accidental birth" which you talk of can be defined in a far better way as merely the continuation of a series of events which WILL occur. In our interpretation of them they are deemed as "accidents" but if you knew everything which occurred before them you could predict that they would occur and everything infinitely resulting from them.

The purpose of my life is to be a part of that continuation.
great purpose.


Resident Apologetic
Mar 18, 2008
Within the interwebz
Read the first few Chapters of Revelation. Why in a Book about the end times does he specifically talk about certain Churches. This isn't the only example of Apocalyptic writing in the Bible... here's a good summary that I found that is line with .

What is the book of Revelation about?

good link.

yes that's correct, it isn't the only example of apocalyptic writing,
but it's the only book that is entirely apocalyptic writing.

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