Homosexuality in Australia (1 Viewer)

What do you think of homosexuality in Australia?

  • Yes, i strongly support it.

    Votes: 674 48.5%
  • I somewhat support it.

    Votes: 201 14.5%
  • No opinion

    Votes: 182 13.1%
  • I do not support it.

    Votes: 334 24.0%

  • Total voters


Oct 14, 2004
Not very nice tully. After your explosion at me yesterday I've been trying hard to improve my posts. :eek:

Clearly I've failed. I'll go and skin my left arm now as punishment. :(

secksiiminh said:
We are also at threat of overpopulation, which leads strain on resources, environment etc. So in a way, homsexuals may save the world and our economy. :D
i think slaughtering people would be more viable than turning everyone gay.


Nov 13, 2006
Has it ever occurred to you that some less thick skinned catholics than I might take offence at the way you trivialize God's messages with this poetic nonsense?
Real catholics don't take offence to anything - they simply pity and forgive people who say/do stupid/'wrong' things


I don't even see why this is a valid argument topic...
if I wanna screw a guy then what does it have to do with anyone else.

It's like people imply that gay relationships have opportunity costs (=less births) - but let's face it, if 2 guys are together they're not going to be interested in girls
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Ecclesiastical Die-Hard
Jul 14, 2004
Don't talk about things in which your narrow mind cannot fully comprehend. You might hurt yourself.

It's not our choice to be homosexual. And I can assure you that homosexuals do have feelings of affection and love to those of the same sex.

Heterosexual relationships may result in an infant, but is that the point of a relationship? I thought that people enter into relationships out of love? I thought that people only get married to celebrate their relationship. To solidify their commitment. To declare their love for one another to the world. Do you hear people say, "I wanna have babies with you! Let's go out on a date!".

And also, what say you about orphans born from dysfunctional and heterosexual couples? Or those from rape victims? Seems to me like being a heterosexual isn't such a good thing after all now is it? Who do you think might want to adopt those poor children? Hmmm... THAT'S RIGHT! HOMOSEXUALS.

And please freshen up on your definition of murder. It's quite embarassing really. Murder is defined as the UNLAWFUL KILLING, WITHOUT LEGAL JUSTIFICATION OR PROVOCATION.

We are also at threat of overpopulation, which leads strain on resources, environment etc. So in a way, homsexuals may save the world and our economy. :D
Drop the emotion kiddyqueer.

Romans 1:27-31
In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed indecent acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their perversion.

Furthermore, since they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God, he gave them over to a depraved mind, to do what ought not to be done.

They have become filled with every kind of wickedness, evil, greed and depravity. They are full of envy, murder, strife, deceit and malice.

They are gossips, slanderers, God-haters, insolent, arrogant and boastful; they invent ways of doing evil; they disobey their parents; they are senseless, faithless, heartless, ruthless.
-St Paul at his finest. This is an interpretation after the full revelation of God to man thru Jesus Christ. Paul held fast to this consistency while rethinking rules about pork and circumcision (for instance) which mostly had at their aim a cultural exclusivity among Jews. But you cant escape the reality that homosexuality does not get off the hook. It is just as universally repugnant to God's law as it was in the times of Moses.
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Active Member
Aug 3, 2008
Drop the emotion kiddyqueer.

Romans 1:27-31

-St Paul at his finest. This is an interpretation after the full revelation of God to man thru Jesus Christ. Paul held fast to this consistency while rethinking rules about pork and circumcision (for instance) which mostly had at their aim a cultural exclusivity among Jews. But you cant escape the reality that homosexuality does not get off the hook. It is just as universally repugnant to God's law as it was in the times of Moses.
Considering the way the Romans idolized several Greek sodomites, Alexander and Hephaestion, Philip and Pausanias, Achiles and Patroclus etc it seems odd he would be so broad and ambiguous as to just say indecent acts. Perhaps however the notion of same sex love being indecent had never occurred to the good saint.

In fact I'm not sure Paul ever mentions sodomy at all, there is some vague reference to males inflamed with lust for one another committing what is shameful which must surely be talking about sodomy. After all the mere fact that these men all had heterosexual partners and Paul had spoken at length about how evil adultery was couldn't possibly have been in play could it? There's quite a lot to consider when you really think...oh wait we're not supposed to do that are we?


Ecclesiastical Die-Hard
Jul 14, 2004
I dont see how your reading of Romans 1:27 is plausable at all - nor did you give any reason for me to think it was. Same old illiterate crap, Lentern. Learn to English.


Active Member
Aug 3, 2008
I dont see how your reading of Romans 1:27 is plausable at all - nor did you give any reason for me to think it was. Same old illiterate crap, Lentern. Learn to English.
It makes perfect sense Iron, only when you read the bible you read with closed eyes.


Mar 11, 2009
My World
Stephen Fry- "My first words, as I was being born... I looked up at my mother and said, 'that's the last time I'm going up one of those."


Jun 20, 2009
People, please forgive me if I mention things others have already said- I am going to refuse right now to read 3k of posts :)

I'm going to start by saying I'm not gay. The poll annoyed me, because the options were like 'strongly support', which to me indicates that I'm saying I think people should be gay, which just strikes me as a bit weird.

If someone wants to be gay, fine, thats their choice- I am not going to interfere with how they live their life, if God sends gays to hell for it, then you can't say that they didn't get warning. But is it really peoples position to judge what is and isn't right for a person, I mean sure, say you think they'll go to hell- I mean, your kinda an asshole for saying it, but its your opinion. IN all seriousness but, some people go way overboard and as I said before in the long run its the gays choice.

I'd just like to point this out but, the new testement part of the bible portrays God as an all loving father- we all know that God is perfect, which would indicate that he is the perfect all loving father. Now I know my dad wouldn't toss me out of his house for being gay, because he would still love me, and since my father can't be more perfect than God, it stands to reason that God would not throw his sons/daughters out for being gay as well.

I don't make a habit of reading the bible every day unfortunatly, but from recollation Jesus never had much to say about the issue, I *think* the most he ever said was along the lines of- when a man and a woman get married.... (which just indicates unity between man and woman, not man/man or woman/woman). Which is quite a tenuous link if you ask me.

And yes, I am going to ignore some of the old testement teachings, for the same reason that in society we don't still stone those who commit adultry, and why we still shave our beards- much of the old testement is irrelevent (which Jesus himself demonstrated).

Cheers guys :)


i'm a fireball in bed
Mar 6, 2008
island of screaming orgasms
If someone wants to be gay, fine, thats their choice- I am not going to interfere with how they live their life, if God sends gays to hell for it, then you can't say that they didn't get warning. But is it really peoples position to judge what is and isn't right for a person, I mean sure, say you think they'll go to hell- I mean, your kinda an asshole for saying it, but its your opinion. IN all seriousness but, some people go way overboard and as I said before in the long run its the gays choice.
Oh the ignorance. The rest is just rubbish tbh.


Ecclesiastical Die-Hard
Jul 14, 2004
People, please forgive me if I mention things others have already said- I am going to refuse right now to read 3k of posts :)

I'm going to start by saying I'm not gay. The poll annoyed me, because the options were like 'strongly support', which to me indicates that I'm saying I think people should be gay, which just strikes me as a bit weird.

If someone wants to be gay, fine, thats their choice- I am not going to interfere with how they live their life, if God sends gays to hell for it, then you can't say that they didn't get warning. But is it really peoples position to judge what is and isn't right for a person, I mean sure, say you think they'll go to hell- I mean, your kinda an asshole for saying it, but its your opinion. IN all seriousness but, some people go way overboard and as I said before in the long run its the gays choice.

I'd just like to point this out but, the new testement part of the bible portrays God as an all loving father- we all know that God is perfect, which would indicate that he is the perfect all loving father. Now I know my dad wouldn't toss me out of his house for being gay, because he would still love me, and since my father can't be more perfect than God, it stands to reason that God would not throw his sons/daughters out for being gay as well.

I don't make a habit of reading the bible every day unfortunatly, but from recollation Jesus never had much to say about the issue, I *think* the most he ever said was along the lines of- when a man and a woman get married.... (which just indicates unity between man and woman, not man/man or woman/woman). Which is quite a tenuous link if you ask me.

And yes, I am going to ignore some of the old testement teachings, for the same reason that in society we don't still stone those who commit adultry, and why we still shave our beards- much of the old testement is irrelevent (which Jesus himself demonstrated).

Cheers guys :)
The prodical son was not *thrown* out of home; he freely chose to leave it because he could not obide the rules. The father's reaction was not scorn, but rather an intense respect of the son's freedom - even to the extent of providing him with his inheritence! But the son's experience of the world ended as it always must; living with the pigs. Yet he had enough humility and sense to know that it was still better to return to the father rather than live out this painful existence away from Him in pride and suffering.

So, like, the son wasnt saying "God made the pigs! If i'm sufferering, then it's because he wants me to!" He knew that God intended that he be happy and living with dignity, peace and joy. To gain this, the son had to make the decision to swallow his pride and return home
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Jun 20, 2009
Oh the ignorance. The rest is just rubbish tbh.
ok, I get what your saying- my use of words like choice indicates I believe that to be homosexual is a conscious decision? Right?

well, I don't really think that, some people are just made gay (and turn out gay), which I don't mind, its the ones that were made gay and turn out straight which disturb me a little... lol.

Rather than using the words 'wants to be gay' what about 'wants to practice homosexuality'? Since, as far as I know, most churches don't object to homosexuality, but the practice of it.

Does that fit better- or did I totally miss your point or something?

And Iron- just because you don't obey all the rules, doesn't mean you can't live there. For instance I don't tuck my shirt in at school, but they still let me stay at school because I'm a nice kid, whose pretty smart and a decent athlete as well (in all modesty lol). Because of those useful traits I bring to school, they're ok with a slightly lax uniform, I'm reminded of the rules sometimes, and asked if I could keep them, but theres no real big deal if I don't.

Since its midnight, please don't shoot me if I rambled a bit :)


et tu
Mar 6, 2007
Vespucci Beach
Uni Grad
Whatever rocks your boat. Personally I don't see why any guy would want to be sodomised.

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