Ooo im using windows 7 RC right now on my desktop, and so its been pretty good for a windows OS.. never tried vista coz everyones said it was really crap and buggy and slow and bad and evil and etc...

but anyways, most of the time im on my macbook <33 it pwns anything windows-y
Ooooo beach house, sounds awesome
Havnt been really free as i expected, too much 'extra' stuff nowadays, and then theres the trials coming up =='' btw, you doing CSSA trials right?
Yeah, cant believe that this term is almost finished! almost time for holidays already, too bad the trials are soon afterwoods
Haha, dont worry you can sleep heaps during the holidays

dont forget to study though lol
Ooo party, havnt been to a party for quite some time now.. so many sacrifices for the hsc

LOL the photo aint that bad, the winning pose looks sweet

Haha, sif thats ever gonna happen