Recent content by bluesky100

  1. bluesky100

    Illnesses, injuries, breakages.. what have you got/had??

    Yes, got it at older age than most ppl. But did find out you can get T1 up to 30 :o. Was sick with asthma + pneumonia a month before being diagnosed so not sure if that was the trigger or not - the endo thought it might have been. I was on lantus and novorapid but started on an insulin pump Nov...
  2. bluesky100

    What have you eaten today?

    BREAKFAST: 2 pieces toast (w/low joule strawberry jam) LUNCH: Weight watchers minestrone soup, 1 piece bread w/lettuce and tomato DINNER: Shepherd's pie (haven't had it yet) SNACKS TOTAL: 50g apple (a little under 1/2), 6 carrot sticks and 6 celery sticks and 4 coffees (no sugar though)
  3. bluesky100

    Illnesses, injuries, breakages.. what have you got/had??

    Type 1 diabetes (had it for 13 months now) Asthma No major injuries or illnesses, but had pneumonia twice (last year and 8 yrs ago)
  4. bluesky100

    Most commonly craved food?

    Chicken Banana Mashed potato Cheese
  5. bluesky100

    Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

    Might be seeing it Saturday. Going to book tickets on Friday... looking forward to seeing it.
  6. bluesky100

    10 reasons why you like/dislike uni

    LIKES: Long holidays / semester breaks Assignments, I love doing the research, finding out new info for my assignments / learning new stuff. It what I want to be doing / studying Lots of nice people at uni / in my lectures, tutes etc… Flexibility (most of the time) Supportive lecturers...
  7. bluesky100

    the 80s films thread.

    I like.... Flashdance Uncle Buck Goonies Die Hard January Man Truly Madly Deeply Gremlins Steel Magnolias St. Elmo's Fire = okay Breakfast Club Weird Science - okay Predator E.T Bill And Ted's Excellent Adventure Flight of the Navigator Jaws 3 & 4 were okay (not as good as...
  8. bluesky100

    Uni travel times??

    It takes me 1hr 20mins - 1.5 hrs by car. I'll only be @ uni twice a week this semester (unless tutes are on) so it's not too bad. :)
  9. bluesky100

    auto or manual

    Auto. I hate driving manual!
  10. bluesky100

    post a pic of your bookshelf

    My bookshelf last year (Nov). Bought more books earlier this year: *Stedman, Stedmans Medical Dictionary for the Health Professions & Nursing 5ed05 *Essential Science for Nursing Students by Watson R *Illustrated Review of the Nervous System by Bastian G *Pathophysiology...
  11. bluesky100


    Here are a few examples-- *membrane permeability 0- diffusion through a membrane depends on how permeable it is to the particles. Eg potassium ions diffuse more rapidly than sodium ions through the plasma membrane. Nonpolar and lipid soluble substances eg oxygen, nitric oxide, alcohol will...
  12. bluesky100

    Teeth Whitening

    GC Tooth Mousse. My aunt (a dental nurse) recommended it + gave me some and it works quite well.
  13. bluesky100

    hottest male celebrity

    Heck yes! He has aged so well. :shy:
  14. bluesky100

    THE CHRONICLES OF NARNIA: The Lion, The Witch & The Wardrobe

    It was okay. - The 3d graphics were superb - Good acting from the Lucy and the White Witch, Edmund was average, woeful acting from the rest - The humour was quite cheesy, but as I was in good mood at the time, I found most of them to be funny. - The battles were done well graphically but...
  15. bluesky100

    Best Campus

    Gippsland has an engineering faculty. ;) Gippsland campus has a great learning/teaching environment! B/c it's so small the campus has a high staff to student ratio, small class sizes, easier accessibility to tutors and lecturers and quality individual support. As it is a relatively small...