Wasn't too bad.
I spent too much time on Listening and Reading, therefore had to rush through the writing. But I think I'll be alright. *crossed fingers*
I'm more than half worried about extension now. Planning to cram the whole course in 1 week. LOL.
Edit: Goodluck to all!
BNW + BR, I thought was abit backward with having to show the differences, as there are too many similarities and not many differences except for the context and the representation of the worlds. Meh.
King Lear, ONE intense relationship.. I spoke about a few, referring to the quotes I had...
You can write about which ever journey you want. It's not a set theme, unless you're answering section three (AOS essay) - which is the one you went through in class.
Thanks tanjin! My creative piece is like around 600 words too. + I'm hoping it's adaptable.. lol who knows until I get the...
Hi all.
So I've been told by my class teacher that for the creative writing section, it's better to 'show them' instead of 'tell them'. Ie: "I wrapped the scarf around my neck" instead of "it was cold weather" (lousy example but you get the gist)
However, my private english tutor says to...
Are we allowed to have marked dictionaries for the exam? As in, like having small sticky notes marked with 'AH' 'EEH' 'OU' 'AY' 'OH'.. on the pages.. or no?
I was allowed to use it for the trials but after the exam one teacher said I could, and the other said I couldn't and to check it with...
^^Haha, that happened to me as well, damn katakanas!
But I serioulsy thought the questions were generally easy, well the first two. I read like 3 words of the last question and stopped. Something about friends and pressure? lmao. I only had ideas on how to approach Technology and Shyogaishya...
Sif, last question! lol..
I did the first two. The questions weren't as bad or twisted as I expected them to be, and I could elaborate a fair bit on it. I was happy with the exam =)
I am curry, with a nose peircing on my left. I don't have the nice nose for it, but I think it's bearable. lol
If you do plan to get it think carefully, it does get pretty damn annoying. And from my perspective I think non-curry girls pull it off better than curry girls.. but as long as you...
Last exam this Saturday. Can barely wait!
.. although I'm already on my break from studying. Real studying should commence on Monday.. sigh* here's to procrastination.
:eek: 6 - 15 minutes!? Whoa.. you are like.. Japanese.
Oh and I'm not really sure, but I think they just want 2 minutes worth of crap, it's a short monologue after all. So I'm thinking going over time might have effect on your mark.
Check it over with someone else though, I'm just assuming...