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  • hello my names savannah, im doing my hsc next year, and was wondering if you had any good places i could find a monalouge from drama as im doing preformance im haveing

    trouble as i cant find one i like? :| little stressed out asmost people in my class knows what they are doing, would you know were to look? cheers.
    Heya, I'm totally psyched about Angels in America. Are you going? This is during the week before Stuvac, so I can do any day, really.
    Hey there, AbsoluteZero. Thanks for your advice on my post.
    Hopefully with this advice, I'll do better making short stories for my trials.

    Hi, thanks for your prompt reply about my 'Onstage' question.
    If scanning just a few previous promotions/programs (especially if there's Summer Rain - cause that the one I'm doing) is not a problem, may you please email them to me: emily.ng@live.com

    Hi, I read in one of your posts about extension english that you used a Black Books episode as a related text... I was just wondering, how did you analyse it and what were you looking for exactly? Just curious, as I'd love to use that as a related text myself for ext :)
    Thanks heaps!
    lol. I don't know a lot of bands starting with E, X, Y and Z. so I must repeat them haha.

    shhh dont tell anyone my secret! : P
    heyyy, you seem pretty good at drama (from what i can tell), do you have any tips? how did you go in it last year?
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