Homer Simpson: Oh, everything's too damned expensive these days. Like this Bible. It cost 15 bucks! And talk about a preachy book! Everybody's a sinner! Except this guy.
*nods wisely*
There are a number of redundant courses out there, so it's fair to say that cutting those courses (or consolidating them) would be fair. But cutting courses that are in demand and aren't in abundance, well .. that's not very smart.
Age: 21
Academic School Year: University - 4th Year
Sex: Female
1. Have you ever been bullied or made to feel intimidated in any way through the use of mobile phones, or over the internet? - No
2. Have you ever used mobile phones or the internet and its various technologies to hurt and...
I wouldn't think of it in terms of difficulty, but more so which degree is more suited to your needs (if that be the 'easiest' degree, then so be it). Check out the subjects, course structure, and other things.
Bachelor of Engineering at UWS...
There used to be this really great second hand bookstore in Bondi Junction, but they closed it down. It was a shame, really, it was packed with classics.