oh sorry ms "im so good at advanced english" :rolleyes:
the main difference between standard and advanced english is that standard only does one less text - it is harder for the standard people to do as well as advanced as paper 1 is marked by the same teacher, regardless of class to the...
hmm...lets see... opensource alternatives
win 2000 server - Red Hat 9.0 Server or if you are internet routing, Smoothwall
office xp prof - Openoffice
flash mx - LoL no idea
dreamweaver mx - haha no idea
photoshop 4 & 7 - GIMP
psp 7...
i think its because no one has made a SDD paper before hand so the ppls at CSSA decided that it will become a humanitrian subject and ask you gay "why i am so gay" questions :mad1:
We are in class right now and we are stuck in what are rayls (referring to acoustic impedance)
What are the units for Rayls?
there are several answers from different text books such as kgm^-2s^-1 or kgm^-2
thanks :)