I've got an idea. Instead of having a countdown for Days Till The HSC or Days Till The End Of The HSC, you could have a count of Number Of Times This Site Goes Down. That way, the counter would never seem static.
You might get marked down a bit because they might think you had a narrow understanding of powerplay and needed to use texts from other modules. It just looks a bit unprepared. Don't think it's anything major though.
I linked the question to the parts of the elective statement that said "nature of politics" and "extent to which power resides with the people." They were the two themes I discussed throughout. I'm glad our English teacher said to have a good understanding of the elective statements because all...
I really liked how the questions were very general. It was really useful because I had in my mind what I wanted to write and what points I was going to cover.
In The Wild : Mirrored the elective statement very closely and allowed my to quote the elective statement often. Did this section...
I'm taking my hand drawn template in. I'm not cutting out the symbols, I've simply drawn them onto a sheet of paper and will try to take that into the exam.