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  1. D

    Maths is next exam

    Oh, I thought there was a backlog of papers. I will scan some when I get a scanner.
  2. D


    You will be if you split the word into two words ...
  3. D

    Front Page

    It was. I'll also say thankyou to the guys and it wasn't a serious dig at the site.
  4. D

    Front Page

    I've got an idea. Instead of having a countdown for Days Till The HSC or Days Till The End Of The HSC, you could have a count of Number Of Times This Site Goes Down. That way, the counter would never seem static.
  5. D

    Maths is next exam

    That might be easier if you uploaded some more papers ...
  6. D

    SDD books

    Writing the IPT textbooks must be taking its toll ...
  7. D

    Maths is next exam

    Probably something you've never seen before. There's no way to prepare for questions 9 and 10.
  8. D

    Eep! Ur Opinion Needed!

    You might get marked down a bit because they might think you had a narrow understanding of powerplay and needed to use texts from other modules. It just looks a bit unprepared. Don't think it's anything major though.
  9. D

    Powerplay qn

    I linked the question to the parts of the elective statement that said "nature of politics" and "extent to which power resides with the people." They were the two themes I discussed throughout. I'm glad our English teacher said to have a good understanding of the elective statements because all...
  10. D

    Cnnnn (abc Tv)

    Yeah it's really good. I think I'll have to get The Chaser Annual in the holidays.
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    Do Phyiscs ! It's just better ! I think all science courses would be heavily explanation based, even though I only do Physics.
  12. D

    Yeah Baby!

    I really liked how the questions were very general. It was really useful because I had in my mind what I wanted to write and what points I was going to cover. In The Wild : Mirrored the elective statement very closely and allowed my to quote the elective statement often. Did this section...
  13. D

    Cnnnn (abc Tv)

    Yeah, the scrollbar is damn good. You can see the scrollbar in action and more like play the Fugry flash game at
  14. D

    Spill ur trial marks here

    What school is that ? Sounds very competitive.
  15. D


    It's about changing perspectives. From one perspective, an event may be for the better, while from someone else's view, the event has bad results.
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    Change Songs

    2Pac - 'Changes' The title speaks for itself.
  17. D

    Ideas on Poem, "The Door"

    Lots of techniques, very short, and easy to remember stanzas. It's the related text I'll be using no matter what the question asks.
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    Flowchart Templates

    I'm taking my hand drawn template in. I'm not cutting out the symbols, I've simply drawn them onto a sheet of paper and will try to take that into the exam.
  19. D

    Remembering ALL text?

    Know the minimum number necessary.
  20. D

    ARGH @ PHYS syllabus changes for next year

    Haha, too bad you won't get the trimmed down syllabus ! That's because it begins for the Year 11 course in 2003 and for the Year 12 course in 2004.