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  1. jkylk

    R vs O'grady

    I need help. My case is R vs O'grady... here's the task: Oral presentation The task must raise issues concerning the efficiency, effectiveness or fairnes of the legal system. The problem is, i am unable to identify any issues that have been raised in this case. Here's some links to the...
  2. jkylk

    Which Physical Journey Movie?

    Well i intepreted "Wizard of Oz" as a physical journey. So I'm doing that. Is anyone else doing it? Who has notes on film techniques used in the movie?? Where can i get notes on this movie? (The 1939 movie)
  3. jkylk

    Physical Journeys Recommended Related Texts

    Umm i'm doing Wizard of Oz for a related film text. Is anyone else doing this? I know this is imaginative, but it can be seen as a physical journey. It's our own intepretation. If there are people who are doing it, where can we find notes on the 1939 movie?
  4. jkylk

    How many Skrzynecki Poems?

    Which poems are popular? Is it better to do popular poems or poems that are seldom chosen by students. I heard crossing the red sea is very popular. What else?
  5. jkylk

    How was your school day?

    School is so sad now. So sad! But holidays are coming. lol
  6. jkylk

    what pulls u away from your study?

    ANIME and the COMPUTER and my lack of SLEEP. (i fall asleep in front of my computer or when i am studying) Blah... not good for year 12. lol Hahahah "The chasers..." Is so hiliarious!! We were watching it in class today for ext eng. LOL
  7. jkylk

    The Anime Thread

    Does anyone have the Kare Kano - His or Her circumstances Dubbed in English?? I think Sailormoon is really cool. Old but cool!! =D =D I like Diana.. Lunar and Artemis's daughter. (that kitten if your still confused) LOL And Rainie! LOL
  8. jkylk

    what assignments have you guys been given?

    I'd already had: One Maths test A legal presentation Will have: Eng Adv. in class assessment Eng Ext In class assessment Chemistry research, in class assessment Assignments: IPT report IPT Comic strip Hahaha... Have fun completing your tasks people. Blah! =/
  9. jkylk

    How was your school day?

    Hahah Well happy birthday! LOL =D Blah.. the weather was bad. Why couldn't it have rained earlier?? It was so hot at random times. =/ Well hope the weather tomorrow will cheer us up! =P
  10. jkylk

    Foods that make you go 'eww'...

    Bitter melon and liquorice! =S
  11. jkylk

    Why do you read?

    Because it is a requirement to pass the HSC. LOL Nah... In year 9 and10 we were forced cause we had to do these "reading for pleasure" tasks. Seriously, because of the activites we had to do after reading a book, it was much of a pleasure! LOL
  12. jkylk

    ASX Share Market Game ON NOW!

    Same here!!! =O lol
  13. jkylk

    How many hours of hw/studying do U do?

    I procrastinate a lot as well but not as much as i did in year 10. Must stop though! Hmm.. i seem to be unable to finish my work. I mean i have to stay up at around 2am in the morning trying to complete hw or assignments. This is not normal is it?? LOL
  14. jkylk

    How was your school day?

    I just hope it rains today. If it rains, we can leave school at 12:30pm. =D Yet if it doesn't rain we are stuck here doing sport! =O =/
  15. jkylk

    Comic strip??

    I am to make a comic strip for IPT as part of the practical work we're doing. Any ideas of what concept i should do it on? Also does anyone know any resources i can use to complete this task??Thanks The comic strip should also have only 2-3 panels. >.
  16. jkylk

    ENGLISH! (All courses welcome =D)

    Advanced: Judith Wright poems Ext. : Satire, learning about feminism, marxism, Freudian readings and will be looking at extracts of texts in the Canon
  17. jkylk

    Law Society of NSW's Inter School Mock Trial

    Not fair. My school doesn't do mock trial anymore because the teacher who organised it left the school. =( =/ Do you people have lawyers that are invited to come to talk to you about being in court?? for preparation?
  18. jkylk

    =O wow a non banned forum, I'm in!

    >.< The new school internet system thing, portal and DET email is SO annoying! It has blocked Google images and so many other random sites. I think the portal also needs a makeover. hahahahahaha... its too red!! =D lOL
  19. jkylk

    Nature of Work

    =D =D Yeah i think thats what s required for our report. Thank you so much!! =D =D I just hope i don't fail the IPT preliminary exams... Eevrything i learn seems to go in one ear and flow back out the other. hahahaa
  20. jkylk

    Favourite Harry Potter Book

    I haven't read the last Harry potter book. What is it about? Well I stopped reading Harry Potter due to "Order of the Phoenix". Don't like that book. >.< It seems like its dragged on and on...