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  1. mishka

    Enrolment & orientation

    just wondering when everyone's enrolling!! i have to go to Strathfield campus at 12:45 this Friday. :) i'll be driving - it's about 40-45 minutes from my house. who's going to orientation week?! i think i'll be going Monday (14th), Tuesday and Thursday of that week. Monday sounds like...
  2. mishka

    Learning spanish..

    i came across quite a few verbs when i learnt spanish that didn't follow the rule!! once you're familiar with these verbs, though it becomes easier. sentence structure is pretty simple, however nouns are followed by their adjectives. for example, in english where we say "blue table" in...
  3. mishka

    Learning spanish..

    i did spanish from year 8-12 and loved it!! :) verbs are probably the hardest because there is a verb (say, "to go"). then there is a different word to say "i go", "you go", "she/he goes", "we go", "they go". then there is another word again for past and future tenses. so yes, it does get...
  4. mishka

    acu should be one the uni list

    will do, thanks!! :)
  5. mishka

    acu should be one the uni list

    so, i should send an email/PM to an administrator saying exactly what i just did in my post?? things need to adapt as the site does to make it easier for new members (and new uni students!!) ;) edit: agreed with your above post! :)
  6. mishka

    whos going to wagga?

    my friend's going to wagga for info tech or something... she'll be applying for accommodation :)
  7. mishka

    What degree are you doing @ ACU?

    yeah i suggested an alternative in the thread you made in the general uni forum. :D
  8. mishka

    acu should be one the uni list

    maybe the best thing to do would be to divide the university forum into states. i.e. subforums called "NSW Unis", "Qld Unis" etc. so that the universities are easily found, and resources easily accessed. it shouldn't be about "how many students occupy the forum," it should be about providing...
  9. mishka

    Letters about the PIP

    yeah, congrats on your PIP!! :D
  10. mishka

    UAC Main Round Offers NOW Out (Discussion Thread)!

    lol, i'm going to be a primary school teacher. i'm doing B Ed (Primary) at ACU Strathfield. :)
  11. mishka

    What degree are you doing @ ACU?

    hehehe i'm doing the same as cro_angel!! yeah, where's all the new ACUers???!!! :D
  12. mishka

    UAC Main Round Offers NOW Out (Discussion Thread)!

    my part in this discussion is to say: I'M GONNA BE A TEACHER!!! :D
  13. mishka

    2005 University Offers - Post them here (No spam)!

    looks like i've got a friend ;)
  14. mishka

    2005 University Offers - Post them here (No spam)!

    1st preference: B Education (Primary) at ACU National, Strathfield :D
  15. mishka

    when do we receive our offical HSC certificate?

    my cardboard was a tad too short so the top right corner of every page was a bit bent :(
  16. mishka

    not happy uws!

    but there's not even an undergrad course now, so there will be little or no pracs for the 3 years while you do an arts or social science degree. that's what i meant.
  17. mishka

    "Good news as uni seekers wait it out"

    dammit, i thought offers were released at 9am not pm.... grrr now i have to wait another 14 hours :(
  18. mishka

    Priority funded schools

    yes usually disadvantaged schools are considered by UAC automatically. look up uni websites or the UAC guide and read the blurb about each uni. there is a section "alternative entry" which tells you about the different ways you can get in. look for info on disadvantaged schools. :)
  19. mishka

    Ask 4 Friend!

    yep at open day, i was told ACU has the best nursing facilities in the southern hemisphere for nursing. :uhhuh: