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  1. mishka

    Being called into work.

    at my old job (kmart) my manager was really intimidating. she didn't even have to say her name because her voice is so unique lol. so when she rang up to ask, she'd never say who it was, it was always something along the lines of "now, listen, I'm really pressed for people today and I was...
  2. mishka

    Rules for Customers

    from my days at Kmart... * when you ring our store, do not tell me you are "on a mobile". I do not care. I will place you in queue just the same as everyone else. * when the line to toys is engaged, and I politely inform you of this matter, do not complain that "this phone call is going...
  3. mishka

    Degree in a day

    I went to something similar at Wollongong last year... it was called Discovery Day and it was basically a chance to have a look around the uni and suss out the faculties :) it was good fun!
  4. mishka

    Cheap haircuts

    yeah i've got my own hairdresser... she did my hair for yr 6/yr 12 formals and now cuts my hair. She charges me pensioner rate ($15) because I'm a poor uni student :p But I don't get it washed or anything, I wash it before I go and she always blowdrys it when she's done. I get the whole...
  5. mishka

    Exams over!

    I know there's a few exams on 14th June (so I apologise if you haven't yet finished!), but now that they're over, what are you planning to do in your holidays? Plans for semester 2? I have taken a vow to write notes on readings/tutes EACH week - when I studied for Maths, there was too much...
  6. mishka

    Longest time spent travelling to and from uni

    45-50 min drive (not peak hour) 10min walk (from home to station), 1 hour train trip, then 20min walk to uni (total=1.5 hours). i go from campbelltown to strathfield for uni. if it's peak hour, i prefer to catch the train because the M5 is shocking :uhhuh: but this semester that was only one...
  7. mishka

    A ray of light in our otherwise dark Uni Year- AKA Holidays.

    i finish this friday :D then we have 5 weeks off!! BUT my course has three week block prac at a primary school so i really don't get a break until 2nd July. I'm really looking forward to prac, and as much as a 5 week holiday would be sooooo good right now, I'm really hyped for the...
  8. mishka

    P-Plate Restrictions

    if people are too lazy to read up on some *current* road rules they don't deserve the privelege. it might not stop all bad drivers, but i certainly think it would make them aware that times (and rules) have changed.
  9. mishka

    P-Plate Restrictions

    i didn't mean everyone at the same time, only when they have to renew their licence. something like the final test you do before you go on your full licence - that one with road rules and hazard perception. i think it would encourage people to read up on their road rules, and then that way...
  10. mishka

    P-Plate Restrictions

    i heard that these restrictions do not apply to those who already have p plates. so therefore, all the idiots currently on the road don't have to abide by these conditions, but those who get them in the future are affected by these people :confused: to even out the playing field, why don't...
  11. mishka

    Defining moments of uni

    skipping my first lecture (about week 6 - dance/drama) i was sooo guilty but the notes were on Web CT and we don't have an exam for it.... i'd say that orientation is one of the first defining moments - you get to meet lots of new people, make new friends, etc. At my uni they do these essay...
  12. mishka

    Help!!!! please help fill the question!!

    i would think confucianism is more of a belief system than a religion, isn't it?? i mean, there is no "god" figure as such and the belief system is based on a set of values and principles to uphold. i think it is promoted as a way of life, as a set of ethics to follow rather than a...
  13. mishka

    'Ward cleared' for Kylie

    yes, it's exactly the same as when delta was diagnosed with her cancer. i was initially concerned and everything, but all the extended coverage makes the whole thing annoying after a while.
  14. mishka

    Subject Selection

    that is so true!! i did chemistry *for the sake of doing a sciency subject* and hated it... so i dropped it after i found out that B Ed courses didn't really require a science. I focused on my Community & Family Studies and Society & Culture marks and did well in those instead of wasting time...
  15. mishka

    SMH Opinion: No time to learn for learning's sake when a degree is at stake

    i meant "teachers" as in student teachers, as tomorrows angel pointed out in her post. and if that is sarcastic, i'd like to point out my use of "non-related"
  16. mishka

    'Ward cleared' for Kylie

    a heading that annoyed me was "Brave Kylie Wins Fight" now, as far as i know, Kylie's lump was detected early, was surgically removed successfully and Kylie is now on her way to a full recovery. what about those women who have battled chemotherapy for months, who, like my grandmother, have...
  17. mishka

    SMH Opinion: No time to learn for learning's sake when a degree is at stake

    i agree with that. my thing is with people whose UAIs aren't good enough to get into what they *really* want to do then chose another non-related degree "for the sake of it" or because "their UAI was high enough". What about those who worked hard for a spot and missed out by .05??? anyway...
  18. mishka

    Useful Links

    here a a couple more :D Australian Catholic University Australian Universities Website
  19. mishka

    do you have a uni crush?

    lol, i thought this was in uni general... sorry for intruding on you usyd-ers :p :rolleyes: (i only realised when you started talking about subjects and i was like wtf??!!)