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    When it says should be at least 200, i think it means H1 is mu < 200 My reasoning: H0 is true when nothing goes wrong, if nothing goes wrong, average is at least 200. So if H0 is true then that condition is satisfied since mu = 200 means average is at least 200. H1 is what is happening if...
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    Complex Complexities!

    Break from study time: Firstly, its an improper integral, need limits to evaluate it Secondly, int du/u = ln|u| + c
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    Maths syllabus ...

    Yes, fitzpatrick hasnt changed since then. I used the same book.
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    Quadratic Question

    If it just says show it cuts at two points you dont need to find the actual points. But yes, if you want to find the points solve simultaneously.
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    Help! need MS ACCESS pro's

    In access its all pretty much automated, dont need to code any of what you described above. If you add a button it should give you the option to turn that button into a save button. If you add a listbox itll ask if you want to link it to the data and then asks which data you want to be displayed.
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    Maths syllabus ...

    How about this :D
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    2005 Group FOI for raw marks

    yeah I was gonna ask, how do you plan to save money by applying as a group?
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    A wierd limit question

    When you use the long division method you're effectively using the same method above which you said was wrong. For example, say you have a function f(x), which, after long division, becomes f(x) = x + 1/x Now you consider the value as x goes to infinity. In this case, the 1/x becomes...
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    Where Is The Exam Discussion Thread??

    It's here, just hasnt been made visible
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    MATH 1903 Lectures

    sqrt20 = sqrt(4*5) = 2sqrt5 so -2 +- sqrt20/2 = -2 +- 2sqrt5/2 Just remove the 2's as a common factor and you get -1 +- sqrt5
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    Guide to Getting HD's

    Every assessment. In sciences finals often have a huge weighting though.
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    99 UAI with no Premier's award?

    I just snuck in by one mark in a one unit subject, I got 99.4. That subject wouldnt have counted to my uai and if it did i doubt getting one less mark wouldve affected my UAI. So yes, its very possible.
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    Who plans to continue doing maths at uni?

    Yeah afaik if you are in the BSc degree and satisfy the BSc Adv requirements you can graduate with a BSc Adv. I think you can do the same with a BSc (Adv Maths) if you've done the required maths units.
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    band 6 cutoff

    BoS doesnt release those marks.
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    MATH1905 exam

    Ah that'd explain it. Thanks :) edit: i guess i shouldve done last weeks tutorial, the answer of how to do it is on there :(
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    MATH1905 exam

    This is all we are given according to the website: Just the normal table, you can use that to approximate the binomial distribution, doesnt help with the t or chi-squared one afaik
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    MATH1905 exam

    hey all, i dont know if this is a dumb question, but how are we supposed to answer those questions that ask you to do a t-test or a chi-square test considering we arent given the tables? For these past exams i've just been guessing whether the P-value is > or < 0.05 solely by looking at the size...
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    Guide to Getting HD's

    I dont think theres a real secret to getting HDs. Speaking from a science/maths perspective, to put yourself in contention to get HDs in first year units in this area (note: I'm not saying you will get ones if you do this, but you're at least giving yourself a chance): 1. Regular study...
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    Tutor available for HSC subjects + Chemistry Olympiad

    Hmm yeah its not difficult to grasp, its more 'whats the point of it' than 'what is it saying'
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    Tutor available for HSC subjects + Chemistry Olympiad

    heh i'd take the stats right now :p I could never, and still cannot, figure out wtf chebyshev is talking about in his inequality.