Well, I think they scale it so that it's comparative to do well in any of them.
But if you work hard you could do well in PHYS1002
But my friend would've gotten close to full marks and he only got like 88 or something.
But if you're only aiming for like 75-80 you should be sah-weet.
That's true, because you do need a 75 WAM for the second year MedSc entry.
But they usually restrict the higher marks to people in PHYS1901/1001 over 1002. I know of one person getting a HD in 1002 last year and he was like a genius.
Everyone else I knew got a mid credit or lower and some of...
But, you need calc in physics, dat's da point of things, right?!!/1!?1
But like, for MedSc you shouldn't need higher than fundies BUT people usually get bored in fundie physics because it's a lot easier than reg.
Oh yeah, but week 1 you'll probably talk to people and be looking around the uni and stuff and etc.
and yeah, those units look fine, but you'll probs change PHYS1004 to 1003 in sem 2 after you get your 1002 marks.
Here's a timetable I made for your units for this sem.
If it looks better than your current one then swap. ^_^
(you should've asked me to make you a timetable before they came out)
I didn't like Flight that much.
Denzel's acting was good, but it's always good, and it wasn't his best.
Last movie I saw at the movies:
Mulan - top movie, sang along to practically everything, screw everyone else in the theatre.
If you're ATSI (Aboriginal or Torres Straight Islander) than you can get into combined med at USyd with and ATAR around 95 (could be less as long as its above 90).
Yeah, would've been nice if they did that but OH WE'LL. They'll probably implement it in a few years or something. Hopefully.
I'm pretty sure I get a timetable though so it doesn't bother me much. ^_^