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    hardest 4u topic

    definitely harder mx1 for me
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    confusion with geometric series

    Either form can be used correctly
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    Circle Geometry!

    Circle geometry isnt in 2 unit unless you are thinking of trig functions
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    pi and e.

    haha :p
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    USYD maths programs

    You'd need the 24cp to qualify for the degree: To qualify for the award of the pass degrees in the BA/BSc course a student shall complete units of study to a total value of at least 240 credit points including: • at least 96 credit points from Science subject areas; • at least 12 credit...
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    pi and e.

    Yup thats the limit definition: y = lim(n --> ∞) (1 + 1/n)n lny = ln(lim(n --> ∞) (1 + 1/n)n) lny = lim(n --> ∞) ln[(1 + 1/n)n] lny = lim(n --> ∞) nln[1 + 1/n] lny = lim(n --> ∞) ln[1 + 1/n]/(1/n) You can use l'hopitals rule since that is 0/0 lny = lim(n --> ∞) [1 + 1/n] lny = 1...
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    USYD maths programs

    Science faculty include a huge amount more than just experimental sciences so you dont necessarily have to do physics/chem/bio etc.
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    2005 Mathematics CSSA Trial

    Ill post answers when the exam period is over if someone else hasnt by then
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    USYD maths programs

    You can do individual maths subjects. I dont think theres a non bachelor program. Why would you have to do a combined science degree to do maths?
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    pi and e.

    Using taylor polynomials about x=0: e = 1/0! + 1/1! + 1/2! + 1/3! + ... + 1/n! From memory theres two other definitions involving a limit and integration
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    1. UNSW BSc(Computer Science)/BSc (Pure Maths) that is all :p
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    too much english in maths!

    I think this has gone on long enough
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    Anyone here enter the maths comp?
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    Maximum value?

    the max value is just the amplitude, dont need to differentiate
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    From trials to HSC

    The definitive proof was via computer though. Mathematicians still attempt to solve it, currently (afaik) there is no readable form of the proof.
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    From trials to HSC

    You could always try prove the four colour theorem :p
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    Anyone regret doing maths?

    IT this year at usyd, compsci/maths at unsw next year. My friend did general, didnt do comp sci, but his degree had to do the same maths units. He struggled but he managed to survive it. If you can survive first year maths youve pretty much done all the maths you need for comp sci.
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    Anyone regret doing maths?

    Yeah IT, which involved 4/5 advanced maths subjects this year. But next year im moving to BSc(Computer Science)/BSc(Pure Maths)
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    Anyone regret doing maths?

    To think I was a few days from completely cutting off maths from my entire life after the HSC finished