Search results

  1. T

    Where did all the stalls go!

    I'm not entirely sure if debating incurs the club fees, because if the impression I get is right it's not actually a club, but an official arm of USU headed up by the Debates Committee. It's not in the C&S directory, either. Can anyone who does debating confirm/contradict that?
  2. T

    Where did all the stalls go!

    I might do that as well, actually. I was sort of interested in ArchSoc and Debating, but I couldn't find the stalls. (Mainly because I didn't have much time to search them out, because I was too busy getting sunburnt in the Access queue.)
  3. T

    2007 Federal Election - Coalition or Labor/Howard or Rudd?

    Re: 2007 Federal Election - Coalition or Labor/Howard or Beazley? Agreed. I doubt that Joe Punter (outside of WA, anyway) has a clue who Brian Burke is, and the government's case linking Rudd to him is fairly tenuous at best. High-ranking opposition members meet with lots of people. Three...
  4. T

    o7 access card benefits & showbags..

    Apparently there was a hat in the showbag as well, but they must have run out pretty quickly because no one I know got one. I got a lanyard from Virgin Mobile in mine, though, which I plan to never wear because it's as ugly as sin.
  5. T

    B...b...b...Beachball 07

    Around midday today the guy who was hanging around the Access tents plugging Beachball was saying that they'd given away roughly 500 of the 1000 free tickets. And it they were selling a lot less Access cards than yesterday - the queue was five minutes or less instead of a full hour - so they...
  6. T

  7. T

    Post Your Timetable!

    Handbook says ARIN1000 is available to straight Arts students in the Digital Cultures major. If you want to do it, you could try enrolling in it online.
  8. T

    Coles Myer Employment Process

    Have they got rid of the group interview stage? I always thought that you needed to do it before they put you into the talent pool, but I just got put into the talent pool and all I'd done was the test. (For the second time - last time I did it, which was last year, they knocked me back. Don't...
  9. T

    Post Your Timetable!

    Speaking of which, when can we expect the WebCT/Blackboard sites to be up?
  10. T

    Post Your Timetable!

    My unfortunately clashy but otherwise good timetable:
  11. T

    password for my uni doesnt work

    When you got your offer and accepted it you had the option of registering for MyUni/WebCT immediately, in which case you chose your own password and the one you then got given at enrolment was void.
  12. T

    Central station

    Blue Mountains is intercity, yes.
  13. T

    Central station

    Most of my trains (Blue Mountains line) don't stop at Redfern. The only ones that do are the peak-hour trains, which are a bit too early for most mountains people who have 10am starts. (If I did maths and had 8am starts, though, I'd be set.)
  14. T

    What Clubs and Socs are you joining this year?

    I found one at - I think it's in the Clubs and Societies menu under O-week. There's a pdf of the map and a Word document with the number of each club's stall.
  15. T

    Central station

    I think any bus heading southwards from Railway Square with a number in the high 430s will take you to Usyd. You might as well try it out, since it'll probably be raining a bit tomorrow anyway.
  16. T

    What Clubs and Socs are you joining this year?

    What union perks are these?
  17. T

    What Clubs and Socs are you joining this year?

    I don't think you have to buy the Access card to join societies, but they'll charge you some sort of 'administrative fee' (ie, stick component of the buy-an-Access-card campaign) for every society you join. Something like $37 per society? I think you can use EFTPOS or cash to buy an Access card...
  18. T

    what TYPE of school do u go to?

    Re: Public School vs. Private You know, I'm tempted to think that perhaps the problems you list are to do with that particular school, and that your experience can't be considered representative of the private education sector as a whole. And 'our school was sooo gay literally the guys were...
  19. T

    Permanent timetable clashes

    The hour or hours you have clashes in will be highlighted in a lovely red colour on your timetable, and there'll also be a big notice at the bottom of the page saying "You have a CLASH in your timetable". It's pretty difficult to miss, so if you haven't seen it you probably don't have a clash.
  20. T

    Chill out people - the HSC isn't that hard

    Doing a humanities subject is not an automatic pathway to getting a godo UAI. Doing Modern, say, is not going to definitely get you a better UAI than, say, doing chem or bio. Business may be an easier course, but it's for that exact reason that it doesn't scale well. Choosing different subjects...