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  1. inasero

    biomed engineering / advanced science

    but wouldnt the bsc advanced look better on your academic transcript? the only disadvantage of doing it i guess would be your ongoing onus to acheive a distinction average...other wise I dont see how it could be THAT bad...could you please care to clarify routemarker?
  2. inasero


    i stuffed up first section...maybe i will get 5-10 wrong...toher sections i am confident with...especially section easy~~
  3. inasero

    university grades

    ahh yeah...makes snese :)
  4. inasero


    haha but ur gay so that shouldnt be a problem :P haha nar mate jkjk
  5. inasero

    university grades

    i know this might sound a little stupid, but please bear in mind that i am still a naive high school student... anyways my musing is this- university marking is given on a scale of HD, D, C, etc etc....and I know many who try their best to obtain the highest possible grades...but in the end...
  6. inasero

    Speed of light in a vacuum?

    btw this discussion is becoming increasingly more philospohical lol
  7. inasero

    Speed of light in a vacuum?

    no way man u can travel to the past... consider the gedanken...what we pweceive as reality is what is observable right? so if why can somwhoe catch up to the lght informatio which has long sinve relected off the original surfaces into deep space, by going faster than the speed of light then we...
  8. inasero

    Anode accelerators in CRTs

    hmm i getcha now...good question :P also what i dont understand is u know how the crookes bent tube demonstrates that cathode rays travel in a straight line right? but if the stream of electrons hits the glass on the opposite side then how do they reach the anode to complete the circuit...
  9. inasero

    Speed of light in a vacuum?

    back to tha future!
  10. inasero

    space dot point

    u are right.....refer to formula f equals g mone mtwo all over radius squared.... but as sique has elaborated u should take into account other factors
  11. inasero

    BCS theory- superconductivity

    disadvantages are that scientists are still trying to explain how the phonon interactions work~
  12. inasero

    De Broglie

    it is in the q2q chill:P
  13. inasero

    sydney uni enrichment day?

    didnt go ...was it worth it? care to share notes? i can trade if anyones intereted..
  14. inasero

    damn Hertzsprung and Russell

    wow huy doesnt that constitute a violation of copyright laws?!
  15. inasero

    syllabus question

    as huy said...u should pay close attention to the verbs invloved...sont worry about columns since ull have to learn all of it anyway rite?
  16. inasero

    Anode accelerators in CRTs

    hmmm not unless the kinetic force exceeds that of the electrical attractive force....
  17. inasero

    Projectiles Help

    souds good! care to divulge more info?
  18. inasero

    doing option different from the class

    neraly everyone in mah school is doing q2q
  19. inasero

    Anyone Out there doing Age of Silicon

    yeah whatever wogboy said :P
  20. inasero

    Speed of light in a vacuum?

    u can travel to the past but ont the future if the theory that light is constant for all travellers is constant