* intro- defn' of exchange rates..how australia's exchange rate has come into centre stage by floating of the $ in 80's
* little bit of history on aust's exchange rate determination systems- fixed, flexible, now floating
*how the govt can intervene to a limited extent
* how exchange rate...
labour mkt- had linked wage increases to prody increases- greater incentive for workers to maximise prody... also how more flexible for employers to make working arrangements that maximise prody
financial mkt- financial firms face increased competition from overseas banks, encourages them to...
well i just divided it into monetary and fiscal policy and discussed how each one is used to affect infn and growth, inflation and eco growth performance in the 1990s, and limitations of each policy...
i wrote abt monetary first and talked abt it more extensively because it plays a more...
i'm pretty happy with the way this exam went.. hopefully, i'll get a good mark... i thought the essay q's were a god-send, just perfect, MC was good too, some of the short answer q's were a bit *iffy* for me.. but hey... pretty happy overall :)