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  1. GoodToGo

    Law school rankings

    I think perception in the industry is a lot more important than public. But then again marks and extra curriculars are also more important than anything else. Having said that, I know only USYD has a better rep than Macquarie amongst the judiciary. Macquarie is on the second tier with UTS...
  2. GoodToGo

    transport concession

    Glenorie don't either... though I'm not sure if they still exist.
  3. GoodToGo


    One of George Clooney's much hyped Oscar chargers. What did everyone think of the movie?
  4. GoodToGo

    Who is going to MAQ?

    Considering he only taught electives, or core courses with another could object through their...erm feet (or should that be mouse). Anyway, as far as I know he's not teaching any courses this year.
  5. GoodToGo

    Choosing an elective

  6. GoodToGo

    uni gym

    Really, even Saber? Hmm...kendo is another option.
  7. GoodToGo

    200 Leve Liberal Studies Unit

    No such thing as Liberal Studies at MQ. Lock thread please.
  8. GoodToGo

    Wait wait wait, we can't be friends?

    But if she's hawt, that awkwardness disappears..
  9. GoodToGo

    Who is going to MAQ?

    You'd think so...but with what's been going on with those Danish cartoons, not everyone's in agreeance. Quality post btw. I don't actually know of anyone actively wanting his removal...but rather there has been a Drew Fraser committee on campus seeking his reinstatement. Instead of...
  10. GoodToGo

    Part-Time Uni

    The short answer is you double it. So a 3 year degree takes 6 years part time and a 4 year degree would take 8 years (lol) part time....give or take a semester. More info is available at
  11. GoodToGo

    Who is going to MAQ?

    Maybe they realised that they couldn't sack him without being taken to court for unfair dismissal. Drew and should never have been kicked out. I would take LAW435 - Anglo-American Constitutional History if it fit into my timetable. And for the record, people that have actually taken his...
  12. GoodToGo

    Lineup for o -week???

    I found our O-Week Lineup. About what I expected...some indie acts who get gigs here and one huge. But at least they're playing in the courtyard...which gives a nice vibe to the place.
  13. GoodToGo

    I lost the timetable

    You can get 40 week subscriptions to both. $15 for the Australian and $20 for the herald. I'm getting the Herald...but I occassionally pick up the Australian...
  14. GoodToGo

    Lineup for o -week???

    Haha. Well it'd be the right uni for it, with all those "hills" people.
  15. GoodToGo

    Lineup for o -week???

    I used to hate hip-hop as well...then I heard Hilltop Hoods, Bliss 'n' Esso, Urthboy, Gym Class Heroes and MC Lars. I prefer rappers that aren't overly egotistical...but I don't mind Kanye who's all class.
  16. GoodToGo

    O Week if your not 18

    Yeah, it's the Division bankrolling SAM for second sem.
  17. GoodToGo

    Anyone starting 2nd semester?

    Glitterfairy does Creative Writing, right? Not first year...but yeah.
  18. GoodToGo

    O Week if your not 18

    I know 2 years ago they had HUGE numbers of non could tell by the major drop in crowds last year. Sure people got in, but a lot more stayed away. They were gonna make it a proper event...tix on sale at ticketek,, etc...but then hey decided to restrict it. ECFS is the...
  19. GoodToGo

    Macquarie and its construction

    So what times are these salsa classes on?
  20. GoodToGo

    Mentor leaders- give us the scoop!

    Ahaha, and then you'll weed out some of them ay Asy..."Sorry, you there can stay with the boys...oh and you too"