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  1. M

    To the SMH Reporter or other VIP

    anyway let it be clear that 'view didn't top the state for extension1 maths its false well I meant ext2 but anyway let this be invisible
  2. M

    To the SMH Reporter or other VIP

    oh well.. I guess I'd better delete my post now... ppl shouldnt know about this atm 'view =/= nerds and if it is known that one of its student tops the state.. then... :p
  3. M

    Scanned copy?

    what??? why would you want tbe booklets????????????????????? if u meant the answer booklets: its just normal booklets... go to the Scavanger Hunt thread if ur curious, coz we're not meant to take out the booklet and most of us dont if u meant the question "booklet": just download the...
  4. M

    Scanned copy?

    look at the other thread ^^ three posts there
  5. M

    Q6 projectile was too easy

    arctan3 not 72 :p if they want to they could mark it wrong, because it can be 71.6 degrees but... P(they mark it wrong) = 0<sup>+</sup>
  6. M

    To the SMH Reporter or other VIP

    oh well u dont need to study btw how many minutes did u have left??
  7. M

    To the SMH Reporter or other VIP

    their idea is so that they can determine the scaling for the ext2 course. they compare the perfomanca of 4U students to the 3U students. if the 4U do significantly better then their ext2 will scale better, and vice versa. if the questions are easy they cant really compare them... I guess...
  8. M

    Lost And Found

    LOL this is great... hmm..... maybe this particle dilates time so t will never reach arctan1/2 as an object reaches the speed of light, time will progress slower for that object. but for this one.. speed can exceed the speed of light.. :confused: but we can try to sorta explain this...
  9. M

    how did the 4Uers go?

    low 70's/84 hopefully about 85/120 in 4U
  10. M

    The 2004 HSC - Mathematics Extension 1 Paper

    line y=-4a x-coord is given by x=a(p-4/p) as far as I know.. no restriction except that it's not defined when one of P and Q (or both of them) is at (0,0) on the parabola. EDIT: Oh SHIT !!! when P or Q is at (0,0), R is on x-axis!!! I hope they don't mark me...
  11. M

    Q6 projectile was too easy

    well it says the front part of the wall. so at x=40, 0 < y < 20
  12. M

    Q6 projectile was too easy

    15 < @ < 45 (degrees) OR inverse tan 3 < @ < 75
  13. M

    I wished...

    I know I have a friend :D but still, I'm disappointed.
  14. M

    The 2004 HSC - Mathematics Extension 1 Paper

    I OFFICIALLY HATE MATHS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lost at least 10 marks... I am not good at maths anymore :mad: anyway if you're interested to know, I didn't do: Q6(a), Q7(a)(ii)[got different answer due to silly mistake and didn't know what was wrong] and (iii), (b)(i)...
  15. M

    Equation for dividing a point AB internally/externaly

    it doesnt matter which +ve direction you choose btw to those who are not desperately needing to study, I suggest you go to sleep soon. maths needs concentration. also dont wake up early tomorrow.
  16. M

    Equation for dividing a point AB internally/externaly

    P divides AB in 3:2 externally means: AP is the 3, PB is the 2 (the shorter one) (also this means B is between A and P) P divides BA in 3:2 means: BP is the 3.
  17. M

    Equation for dividing a point AB internally/externaly

    try with any values / questions. it doesn't matter which one you make negative.
  18. M

    1995 HSC Q5b iii.

    stupid MANSW then :p remember it's not the official solution. the examiners' report says that. read it.
  19. M

    1995 HSC Q5b iii.

    looks like Im not familiar with Jackpot lol... nekkid didn't type up the whole question and I didn't know how the lottery worked well from the examiners' report you need to do the limiting sum thing. this is also reflected in the number of marks (3 marks). but logically if the draw keeps...