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  1. M


    also, EDS is somewhat safer and requires less computer monitoring and adjustment when it travels. EMS needs more monitoring because the distance between the magnets and the guideway is a short 10 mm.
  2. M

    explaination to black-body radiation and planck

    but there are more than 1 oscillating charge that emits quanta for each frequency. you need to say something about the oscillating charges being less probable to possess energy in the size of the quanta (or multiples of it) for the high frequencies or long wavelengths
  3. M

    relativity Q

    but my point is that B is what the observer on the earth sees. C is what the muon "sees" (assuming it can see things :p). I mean the muon doesn't feel that its time is dilated. It just sees the distance as being shorter... Similarly the observer on the earth doesn't see the distance as being...
  4. M

    relativity Q

    Muons travel towards the Earth's surface, but their life is so short, and the distance so great, that few, if any, should reach Earth's surface. Despite this, muons are detected, arriving in large numbers at the surface during cosmic showers. The explanation for this is that: (A) the muons...
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    explaination to black-body radiation and planck

    >> i don't think any one has explained it properly, the text books are just waffling cause the explaination is beyond hsc physics and math. << its not "beyond"... maybe no books use the word "probability" and list the numerical statistics or go into such depth. my basic understanding (and...
  6. M

    do you foresee syllabus changes

    more likely will be when there is a better explanation for superconductivity :D or when they decide to return to the maths-based concept of physics with less history
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    do you foresee syllabus changes

    Probably this is irrelevant to be posted near an HSC exam, but do you think the syllabus will be changed in 3 years after now? Just planning to sell books or give it to my brother. Thanks.
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    contradictory info: Pi-Meson or gluon

    hmm.. looks like mesons also play a role in the force between nucleons (protons and neutrons) but it's more complex and is a secondary example of the strong force (quoting from textbook... dont really know what it means.. just say it's gluons which are the force carriers)
  9. M

    contradictory info: Pi-Meson or gluon

    gluons do pi-mesons are part of mesons (as in.. there are mesons which are not called pi) meson is a class of hadron (hadron can be meson or baryon) hadron is affected by the strong nuclear force (or the strong force in short) but the force is caused by gluons exchange between two or more...
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    replied in the other thread. school should not matter that much =p
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    space dot point

    umm.. you mean, 1+1=2? intriguing... stop messing someone else's thread.... =p
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    I've got a few for both (not all practicals) oh wait... at least half of the "recorded" practicals are the results only.. no procedures :D I'm planning to sell it with all my physics stuff
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    space dot point

    oh not really. we were playing a kind of induction game last night and I'm just annoying Mr CrashOveride. but of course this induction game involved no maths at all.
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    space dot point

    because.. because... it is predicted that that quote is from Jacaranda, and it is known by the principle of mathematical induction that somewhere before that the book says something about how we can't show whether an inertial frame of reference (frame of reference which is not accelerating) is...
  15. M

    physics cath trial 04 solutions

    dont worry if ur busy.. i was just looking at jang's thread, and the MCs sound a bit strange (wondering if he didnt type the question properly :D) but ive got some other papers to go thru so its up to u to scan or not ^_^...
  16. M

    physics cath trial 04 solutions

    is the paper (doesnt need to have solutions) available somewhere on the net?
  17. M

    Am I stupid... or the book?

    yea it depends on what the @ is. vertical | |\ |b\ | \ | \ |___a\ horizontal if @=a then it's sin@ if @=b then a=90-b and it's sin(a) = cos@ because by the magical trigonometry, sin(90-x)=cos(x)
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    trial papers go to "2004" for trials. there are HSC standard packages as well
  19. M

    The 2004 HSC - Mathematics Extension 2 Paper

    well u r replying to the top guy :p
  20. M

    How much download a month

    try the wireless plan then.. EDIT: Sydney only... for the map, (it uses Unwired network)