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  1. M

    How much download a month

    no its 256/64, 4GB, if you preselect the phone to Exetel also. $3/GB for excess. Free download during 12am-8am. EDIT: looks like you're right they've cut down the line activation charge since when I signed up :mad:
  2. M

    Q5 a), What Tha

    sorry I was being stupid if u want to know the solutions to any part of the paper,
  3. M

    Q5 a), What Tha

    velocity is the derivative of acceleration? interesting concept... you shud get the Fields medal ;) well from the current standards, acceleration is defined as the derivative of velocity with respect to time. but it can change any time soon...
  4. M

    WHo finished the exam???

    here is a hypothetical situation: two people from the same school. person1 came first in the internal and person2 came second. person1 also performs best in the HSC external and person2 comes second, from that particular school the marks for the internal are: person1=98%, person2=94%...
  5. M

    The 2004 HSC - Mathematics Extension 1 Paper

    I gave the wrong link, try again :D
  6. M

    The 2004 HSC - Mathematics Extension 1 Paper :p
  7. M

    WHo finished the exam???

    so how can you beat both Laurie and Ivan? r u sure ur answers are all (or almost all) correct though?
  8. M

    the thank you thread

    thanks to cherryblossom who mentioned my name and gave me roses thanks to Xayma, withoutaface, Rorix, Archman, ngai, Jase, Estel, ND and steverulz55 who helped me occassionally.. probably I missed some thanks to CrashOveride who also helped, although he asked much more questions with the...
  9. M

    possible 5unit maths ?

    I havent heard bad reputation about actuarial :P but anyway I wont be pursuing a maths degree not naturally talented enough... will do engineering tho
  10. M

    WHo finished the exam???

    doesnt matter as long as it hits the wall and no u can still have 40 mins but its a bit exceptional btw just hope he shows all the necessary working necessary to get the marks ;) a common weakness of inspection(tm) :D I shud've made my working less tidy :(
  11. M

    possible 5unit maths ?

    what do u wanna do? actuarial? pure maths?
  12. M

    What was the problem?

    yes I think Q7(b) was stupid crap you need some good IQ to do that. it relies on inspirational revelations (and to some extent, practice with tens of binomial identity questions... but who the hell concentrate their study on binomial identity)
  13. M

    Q7b(ii) - Fudging it.

    yes it is :mad: u r a very very lucky person coeff of x^k on the LHS in part (i) is automatically the LHS in part (ii). There's no messing around to get that. So you don't need working. And so you're lucky!! and I'm not!! (sounds like I'm emotional :p)
  14. M

    What was the problem?

    need more time.. rushed in Q's 1-4 then started to slow down slightly coz I thought I was ahead... spent too much time in the circle Q and tried to find angle CBF instead because I tried to use cyclic ABCD (as well as BFCE). But in the end I forgot that I actually wanted to find angle DBF...
  15. M

    Q7b(ii) - Fudging it.

    I used the coeff of x^k but did sumthing wrong in the process.. I said coeff of x^k on the RHS in part (i) was "nCk - 1" and in the LHS its (n-1)C(k-1) + ... + (k)C(k-1). Then said since 1 = (k-1)C(k-1) we can move it to the LHS so we get the required identity in (ii). .... hopefully they allow...
  16. M

    shuld i do 4u? :S

    it depends on ur.. natural maths talent. the talented ones dont really study and dont do too many past papers but there are "ordinary" people who do soo many questions and/or past papers and end up doing well, or even better than some of the talented ones who dont study. and by ordinary I...
  17. M

    anyone got good religious ethics notes

    dont think being a priest is completely related to studying HSC SOR..... u can always study at.. post-high school level :D (wherever that might be) anyway, I support you. we need more priests :D
  18. M

    To the SMH Reporter or other VIP

    its just a river basically :D
  19. M

    complex numbers need help as usual

    question of the week? does that mean you can't ask another question this week??
  20. M

    Scanned copy?

    omg u.... I said be4 that the standard integrals table is the same for every maths exam (with the exception of general maths and maths in society and in practice) in every year. ok we got two things: 1. question 2. blank answer booklets (which u dont need to know... if u want to know...