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  1. BradCube

    Does God exist?

    I don't entirely follow in this line of thought. I would always want to know why or how God did something even if I believe that it was God. My point was that science of gaps and God of gaps are on neutral ground. Also I thought I would quote from an email I sent to a Christian...
  2. BradCube

    Does God exist?

    Of course, I always try to maintain as much intellectual honesty as I possibly can. However, I will always be bound to certain bias's from the way I have been raised, taught etc. So in this way I doubt anyone can truly start from a "blank page". Also, to be truly honest with you, I would far...
  3. BradCube

    Does God exist?

    My point was not to justify the God of Gaps theory as permissible in one off events. Rather it was to point out that saying "science is the answer and we will be able to prove it one day" is just as bad. In fact I find it worse, because with it comes the inability to be disproved - it can...
  4. BradCube

    Does God exist?

    Awesome. Thanks. So from those we take out fossils and predictive models (since we can't use the theory of evolution as proof of itself) and we are left with DNA analysis. Could anyone recommend any reading on how this process works, or any other predictive models which wouldn't be...
  5. BradCube

    Does God exist?

    Well, basic idea behind it goes, that if evolution cannot explain what happened to start all the diversity in life, then when have no other reasonable natural answer and so we fall back to the idea that God must have intervened to kick things along. Essentially, God-of-Gaps theory. Although I...
  6. BradCube

    Does God exist?

    You will have to forgive me for even asking this, but most here know that I have very little to no scientific background. Could you explain what methods we currently employ to discover existing species apart from fossils and predictive knowledge (ie based on current models, this species should...
  7. BradCube

    Does God exist?

    *Confused* Yes, probability is lower of finding a creature before this Cambrian period, but we have found fossils of creatures earlier than this period already. I don't understand why it would be any harder or less probable to find transitions from these creatures, to the ones found in the...
  8. BradCube

    Does God exist?

    Ahh, well that does make a good amount of sense. Once we hit multi-cellular organisms, it's not unsurprising that more and more complex organisms could evolve more rapidly. I'm still yet to get through that book. I made a start, but lost interest quickly. I'll have to try again soon :P
  9. BradCube

    Does God exist?

    It is odd because the explanation previously given to me of why none of these organisms had appeared up until the Cambrian period, was that they had no skeletal features that would help in their preservation. But clearly, if creatures that were "soft" (and therefore more easily eroded) were...
  10. BradCube

    Does God exist?

    Well, yes, certainly by sudden I don't mean within a few seconds or even days. In comparsion to time up until that point and life past that point though, I would still stick by "sudden". Which environmental factors do you believe had this impact, and what caused those factors to arise as...
  11. BradCube

    Does God exist?

    Indeed, so I will bring something up we discussed a long time ago - The Cambrian Explosion. When we originally looked at the issue, I was questioning how it was possible for such a large "explosion" of various lifeforms to evolve so rapidly. From memory the conclusion we both came to was that...
  12. BradCube

    Does God exist?

    Ha, yeah, I am still a christian although my views are very different to what they used to be. Good to hear that I have a friend though :) To be honest, I thought you hated me...
  13. BradCube

    Does God exist?

    Ha ha, Quite possibley, but it will at least give you a bit of an overview of what the topic is about and allow you to continue in discussion with a bit more understanding. :P
  14. BradCube

    Does God exist?

    Go easy lads. I often find that even after I research something I will still bring it up here as its usually far easier to understand coming from the mouths of similarly aged people. As well as that, it's also good for discussion to have people outlining their knowledge and beliefs rather than...
  15. BradCube

    How do you get over him/her quicker?

    I doubt I would call it a "good" thing. It's simply her trying to feel better about her decision - trying to reaffirm herself that it was the right thing to do. Best thing to do is to let it go and ignore her myspace. Certainly don't have a go at her about it, you don't want to make things...
  16. BradCube

    Does God exist?

    Could you share some of these arguments? I am yet to find an argument which positively affirms Gods non-existence. Certainly there are arguments about Gods character, but an argument which totally disputes Gods existence all together? This actually sums up some of my most recent thinking on...
  17. BradCube

    Does God exist?

    Ha Ha, thank you. I usually find that after a month or two I need a similar amount of time to take a break and let things sink in. Much of this stuff is pretty hard hitting for me and I take it pretty personally, so it does take a while :)
  18. BradCube

    Does God exist?

    Hi There all, Wondering if any of your wonderful selves could recommend any good books on the topic of free will? As is probably evident, I am yet to solve my dilemma regarding free will (or lack thereof) coupled with a just and loving God. Any suggestions would be much appreciated :)
  19. BradCube

    Does God exist?

    Agreed. To be sure, I would never give such a big thing up on a whim, and that is why I would still say that I am a Christian. Nevertheless, it is quite a stumbling block and one that I desperatley hope to solve.
  20. BradCube

    Does God exist?

    I feel flattered and both humbled by all of the above comments. :) Certainly my beliefs have changed dramatically since when I first started following this thread! In regards to Christianity specifically, I am honestly on the brink of giving it up. I can only hope and pray that if God really...