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  1. BradCube

    Does God exist?

    No not all. God cannot choose to decide what is good because good is defined by his nature. It is not a decision to say okay "murder is wrong", "forgiveness is good/right". If it were then God could just as have easily said "murder is good", "forgiveness is wrong" etc. Rather it is because his...
  2. BradCube

    Does God exist?

    I think you may be confusing the sort of value and worth we are talking about here. Sure, I agree with you that the value of diamonds are a human construct, but I was never arguing that it is God who provides the value in diamonds. The type of value we are talking about is one that goes a bit...
  3. BradCube

    Does God exist?

    Sure, Euthyphro's dilemma essentially asks "Is the good good because God approves it, or does God approve it because it’s good?" or in our case, "is meaning meaningful because God approves it, or does God approve it because it is meaningful?" The answer I propose is that God is necessarily...
  4. BradCube

    Does God exist?

    No, I don't believe so and I suppose this comes back to the Euthyphro dilemma. My answer to this is to propose that since God is the creator and reason for everything that has and ever will exist, what his character believes to be true, is in fact true. So it's not because he wills it to be that...
  5. BradCube

    Does God exist?

    I suppose the point your trying to make is that if God did exist, why would He provide validation to meaning? I suppose my reply would be to suggest that you misunderstand the "greatness" (for lack of a better term) of God. If God, is the source of absolutely everything that has and ever will...
  6. BradCube

    Does God exist?

    They don't. Or at least, I often find it hard to believe.
  7. BradCube

    Does God exist?

    Methinks I agree with you here - although to be fair I was only giving the second half of the response in the email I received. The first part dealt with positive epistemic considerations or things that we would expect and do find (although I personally found a few of them to be unconvincing)...
  8. BradCube

    Does God exist?

    Well I don't see how the universe is any different than myself considering that I am part of the universe - not to mention that the universe too will eventually die. The observer needs to be omnipotent because it needs to be permanent. The other factors seem negotiable though :) Oh, it is...
  9. BradCube

    Does God exist?

    Bah, I don't even know how to answer this question properly. My life can't be measured simply against another humans life to attain value. It needs to be measured against something objective and something outside of humanity. Without this it is a creation unto itself and creates it's own...
  10. BradCube

    Does God exist?

    3unitz, you sure do love your math! :P
  11. BradCube

    Does God exist?

    Without a God, then no none of these at all matter to me because they have no value or worth. What point is there to leaving a mark on the earth if the earth itself will eventually be destroyed? What good is there in valuing love in friends and family if all the emotions that I feel for them are...
  12. BradCube

    Does God exist?

    Heh heh, indeed. It seems to me that creating your own system and value of worth, is completely futile. It's on the same level as me creating my own system of morality. Or it could be like creating my own value of currency, so whenever I received 1c I became genuinely happy and passionate about...
  13. BradCube

    Does God exist?

    Why does it matter that we are alive?
  14. BradCube

    Does God exist?

    Okay :)
  15. BradCube

    Does God exist?

    Oh yes, evolution is still undecided territory for me. I suppose this is why it makes good conversation here (plus we needed something to talk about!). Even if I do find myself fully embracing evolution, I don't really expect this to undermine my whole view of God. As I've been saying, it's...
  16. BradCube

    Does God exist?

    Why does looking at the stars and being awed by them equate to you having value? Life on on earth can hardly be impressed by itself because it survived by chance in the big bang. To think that we actually had something to do with our own survival seems foreign to me. I mean, sure, we survived...
  17. BradCube

    Does God exist?

    In my understanding, without a God, anything we do achieve is worth nothing anyway. Without a God, of course I don't see values in individuals or myself - we are worth no more than the dirt on which we stand - ie nothing
  18. BradCube

    Does God exist?

    Well, it would answer some questions :P. But yes, you are correct in saying that it would also raise a lot of others - much of which we discuss here in this thread. I don't understand how a God would cheapen your life though. How much do you think you life is worth at the moment? Everything...
  19. BradCube

    Does God exist?

    Oh certainly, I would not want to think that I would try and be demeaning of others lives if I came to the conclusion that mine was worthless. I would far rather them continue living how they are, trying to achieve "happiness" (even if such happiness is worthless). I've attached an article...
  20. BradCube

    Does God exist?

    I find it far more meaningful, than no meaning at all... Expanding on this. I can understand why people may not want to "serve God" since it essentially allows you to do whatever you please. However knowing that doing what ever I do is ultimately worthless and without a point is a far more...