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  1. ahen

    Subjects you're be doing for the last time.

    *stabs maths and science* DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE THEY DIED I KILLED THEM AND HAVE BEEN SO MUCH HAPPIER THIS 1.5 YEARS WITHOUT THEM awww no more geo :( i miss it
  2. ahen


    lol thanks for the info and nah i wasn't trying to force people to post, just surprised that it seemed so inactive =P
  3. ahen

    TAFE Vs Uni

    why did this thread suddenly get revived 3 years after that person's dilemma is over? i wonder what happened to them...
  4. ahen

    You know what I realised...

    aaah teen angst. i personally don't see what the big deal is, i mean they tell us to do stuff that we KNOW and for most teens our emo little mopey issues are all we know. Obviously i understand that they don't want to see " boohoo my boyfriend dumped me" for like every single artwork and they...
  5. ahen

    does this equal "screwed"?

    thanks for the feedback guys! yeah i came second in the half yearlies (got beaten by 2 marks) but get this, we have 12 people and only 5 people passed, 3 of us got marks in the 80s 2 in the 70s and the rest failed. they marked pretty hard and we had good feedback so at least that was helpful...
  6. ahen

    HSC notes - Egypt Amenhotep III to Ramesses II

    i agree thats bloody brilliant! wow if you look at the dates, there's like a comment or two posted every year, obviously this is a happening thread...
  7. ahen

    Psychology & Maths?

    oh thank gawd cos i want to do psych but i hate maths with a passion and dropped it after yr 10 and now everyone's telling me i have no chance without maths. but then again USYD says that i need Adv maths as a prerequisite for B Psychology , my other option ( and more preferrable) is BA Psych...
  8. ahen


    i don't do sciences or maths but my friend does and he says the dot points books are like his bible. he loves em and recommends em to everyone in need of a textbook so i shall recommend it to you on his behalf. but if they suck don't come crying to me :P
  9. ahen

    Please Help

    hmmm i dont really get the question...but the first thing i'd do is sit down and make sure i know my reading. in your reading of course you'd pull out a couple of key scenes from both films and of course the text itself because we're studying SHAKESPEARE'S king lear, not other people's readings...
  10. ahen

    Word limit for IRP?

    yeah the teacher says she wanted around 2000 but i did 7000 :D lol but then when she read it she said she loved it to bits and it was the best in the class *beams with proudness*
  11. ahen

    Class of 2007

    my religion/ancient history teacher says that religion generally scales well and we do SOR 1 so yes i am now confused
  12. ahen

    where's your BOW at?

    i've got my idea and i've started my work. mine's digital photography/manipulation and so i'm just taking hundreds of pics at every opportunity and then photoshopping them in a bazillion different ways. we've already had two progress assessments and i think i'm very much on track. its just a...
  13. ahen

    answer me this...

    english and art are like my life. do not diss them. =P
  14. ahen

    does this equal "screwed"?

    my art class consists of around 12 or 15 people. only around 4 of us have any real ability in terms of prac and theory and at the moment my friend and i are coming equal first. my main concern is , well basically my teacher just doesn't teach us she goes " ok guys, prac today" then grabs her...
  15. ahen


    our first question was weird, about some "shit balls" attatched to large poles and being violated , we had to...wait for it...write A LETTER TO THE EDITOR about it. wtf, what is this ? school cert english? like seriously....and then there was a five marker about what a painting by an...
  16. ahen

    07 Gendered Languageers!

    well obviously either no one else in the whole entire world does gendered language, or they don't come here, or they're too paranoid/up themselves to post or they have nothing to say, or they understand the topic thoroughly and it is only me who does not. lovely.
  17. ahen

    EE2 2007 bitch and procrastination thread

    well im pissed because i don't have a mentor yet ( my teacher is assigning them and i know who it will be but its not formal and i've never had her before so i can't just approach her) , i've changed my medium twice - back and forth, and i've even come very close to dropping yet am teetering on...
  18. ahen

    Ideal time to complete drafts

    first draft? excuse me? i'm like still floundering around lol, i've done all this research for a critical response which i ditched and will now hopefully help with the creative story i'm now attempting to begin writing. i have a fair idea but i'm still in the planning stages for the story...
  19. ahen

    deviant women

    hey there, i'm having a bit of a situation because i was exploring an idea regarding the way women swear and how this differs from males etc in a critical response. Then it died cos i couldn't find any texts to back it up. My advanced teacher suggested i persue the idea of the "deviant woman"...
  20. ahen

    Telling the Truth - Related Texts

    are they free or do we have to buy them? if they're free then PLEASE PLEASE SEND THIS WAY!!! :D