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  1. DownInFlames

    Do boys like older girls?

    omg it was totally hot guyz
  2. DownInFlames

    Do boys like older girls?

    olollolololololol ur intelligent enough to construct long-winded and redundant clauses within your sentences. Way to be concise. wat's an intitle?;) you've got a great one going there yourself, mr A-sexual. you get cred for this :) Tonight, I hate people. soz...
  3. DownInFlames

    Teacher sacked over nude shot

    That would have been the dads, amirite? I'd sign too, tbh. If the kids are seeing that it's down to questionable parenting, not teacher beeing naughty.
  4. DownInFlames

    Do boys like older girls?

    Boring poster X
  5. DownInFlames

    Rules for Staff

    If I am buying a doctor seuss book, don't try and quote it at me and expect me to laugh along. I want to go finish my shopping now plx.
  6. DownInFlames

    Romeo and Juliet

    sparknotes will know the answer, then ;)
  7. DownInFlames

    Romeo and Juliet it may help. the prologue has some stuff about fate: especially since the audience knows that they will die before the play even begins. "star-crossed" I think refers to fate (thinking astrology) being against you...
  8. DownInFlames

    cosine and sine rules?

    cosine rule: A^2 = B^2 + C^2 - BCcosA cosA = (B^2 + C^2- A^2)/BC
  9. DownInFlames

    Do boys like older girls?

    If you are the age that you say that you are, there is a LOT wrong with that.
  10. DownInFlames

    Need life advice.

    1) Drop the course and find a job. Go back to uni later if you want to: non-school leavers entry system. 2) Ask her out. Coffee or something is always good. It's unlikely she's gonna throw it back in your face and be a bitch about it, even if she does say no.
  11. DownInFlames

    PLEASE FILL OUT MY PIP SURVEY!!! i need more people

    P.S. add into your discussion that your research may be flawed due to people answering in a way that will make them appear to be more socially acceptable (or in this case well mannered) especially seeing as this is on a public forum. Good discussion point :)
  12. DownInFlames

    PLEASE FILL OUT MY PIP SURVEY!!! i need more people

    1.age 18 2. sex F 3. heritage: Scottish/English/Australian 4. do you think you have been taught good manners? Yes 5. From whom or where did you get taught them? Parents, grandparents 6. Do you think having good manners is an important aspect in your day to day life? Yes 7. Do you speak to your...
  13. DownInFlames

    possibilty of a coin landing on its side(edge)?

    You catch it between your hands, dude. Then it will always land on its edge. Nfi what you'd do to figure it out... but will be interesting to see what people come up with
  14. DownInFlames

    Someone help cant think

    add 1 from 4a^2 - 4a: 1. (2a - )(2a - ) 2. (2a - 1)(2a - 1) 3. 4a^2 - 4a + 1
  15. DownInFlames

    Crime fiction authors who both use and subvert conventions?

    Kiss Kiss Bang Bang - film I would have thought Skull Beneath The Skin was the better set text for this? It has more even distribution of perpetuation/subversion (and you get to argue about whether order is restored in the end as the crime has been uncovered but no justice done), where...
  16. DownInFlames

    weirdest food

    "striped soup" = soup with strips of pancake floating in it. Who would have thought?
  17. DownInFlames

    What happens when just about every guy likes ur friend or other girls?

    so there was a link embedded in that group email last page... X_X
  18. DownInFlames

    Some teachers unfair with marking..?

    In ancient history we used to use pseudonyms on our papers and then sort them out later so that the marks could be recorded to our names, so that no-one could complain about bias.
  19. DownInFlames

    Some teachers unfair with marking..?

    Sometimes teachers award a mark, then after marking other papers decide to dock an extra mark from yours.They also go off other people's work: if another paper gets the same mark as yours, but is just that bit better, they'll take a mark off yours. It's not always a matter of you having done...