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  1. fallenstar

    Prediction for Essays

    Ha, that's why I love it! Rather than the straightforward solidity of the late 1930s.
  2. fallenstar

    Prediction for Essays

    I love both. Like the whole topic is just fascinating. But if I had to choose...Weimar. Love the 20's. + Nazification of German State.
  3. fallenstar

    Prediction for Essays

    Same. I hope it's straightforward, but still leaves room for interpretation.
  4. fallenstar

    suicide and the hsc....

    Why "emotional" in inverted commas? I don't think this is funny or an issue to be sarcastic about, particularly when there is someone on this thread who personally knew that girl.
  5. fallenstar

    PIPs 2008 Showcase

    This thread has been viewed 139 times and 3 pips have been posted. C'mon guys, don't just read everyone's...Post your own. & my workaholic father is still on the computer with my pip on it. sigh. tomorrow morning i may be able to snatch it off.
  6. fallenstar

    Prediction for Essays

    Germany: Hoping intensely for the Rise of the Nazi Party. I chose that for our assessment and got 45/45. Really interesting too. WW1: Maybe Women? At least we all know it won't be Turning Points haha.
  7. fallenstar

    PIP awards - notification sent with return of PIP?

    Is the notification for an award sent with your PIP when it's returned to your school? My friend wrote an amazing PIP (on homosexuality if anyone's interested) and we're all intrigued about the awards...As the pips are sent back in the next few weeks we'd like to know if the notification is...
  8. fallenstar

    Anyone else not started studying for this?

    you're so lucky you have a whole week. my schedule goes: modern history 28th ipt 30th religion 31st extension history 3rd hectic amount of content in the ipt may be studied on the 29th only. ha. oh well, have summarised a lot anyway and it's all straightforward. so...
  9. fallenstar

    PIPs 2008 Showcase

    "The stereotyped cultural practices of the rave scene, namely the drug use and fast repetitive music, made me think others believed rave culture had a very primitive social structure, that it was simply a group of underachieving teenagers who got together and zoned out to mindless music, not at...
  10. fallenstar

    PIPs 2008 Showcase

    totes. it's just annoying to receive nasty criticism AFTER the pip has been sent away. it stresses you out and wrecks that feeling of accomplishment. so post it on up, i say. i'd love to read it. i'm gonna upload mine when my dad gets off the other computer, which, coincidentally, has my pip...
  11. fallenstar

    Was Text 3, Section 1 a Dog or Human??

    Re: The Poem Was About A Dog? @ whoever said the poem was about a dog... IT'S CALLED FIGURATIVE LANGUAGE.
  12. fallenstar

    PIPs 2008 Showcase

    hahah yeah, good idea in changing it to 'friend' otherwise it would've sounded all 'my poor boyf'...
  13. fallenstar

    PIPs 2008 Showcase

    yes, it was great. i certainly wouldn't have been able to suppress the innate desire to yell "OF COURSE MEN CAN BE FOSTER PARENTS!" at the survey respondents...and i can't believe your friend's mother actually discouraged him from getting a job in DOCs because he could be seen as a paedophile...
  14. fallenstar

    PIPs 2008 Showcase

    wixxy - "All Work & No Play Makes Jack a Dull Boy...But What About Jacqueline?" possibly has to be the best pip title i have ever encountered. and i like the use of Orwell. he's one of my favourite writers. sonya - "One respondent went on the say that they believed that “It’s just not a role...
  15. fallenstar

    PIPs 2008 Showcase

    yours first? ha
  16. fallenstar


    +1 couldn't agree more passion is everything. i loved mine.
  17. fallenstar

    Who thinks the bOard of studies planning of exams stink with the amount we get

    they can't consider everyone's possible timetables or drag the exam period out to please the majority. although i do agree that putting the some of the most popular subjects on the same day is a little effed. i.e. ancient history and studies of religion on the same day. lucky i don't do...
  18. fallenstar

    opinion on journeys question????

    yeah, that's a definite possibility. 2007 advanced english cohort got it easy though. Section 3 of paper 1, + all modules were essay questions, if i remember correctly. my bet is section 3 of paper 1 will retain the essay text type, while one of the modules may be a speech, interview etcetera...
  19. fallenstar

    how many guys vs girls do society and culture?

    three classes in my school dominated by girls 45 students do it all up. and i do think S&C is perceived as a girls' subject. my class has 3 boys and 15 girls. the top 10 in the state last year - i think 9 were girls...
  20. fallenstar

    Who here is as screwed as me and.. wait for it..

    haha, even worse than that entire thread dedicated to the benefits of a guy coming on a girl's face? that was effed up. but yeah um op...not looking good for friday. what have you been doing all year if you haven't even watched your set text?! half-yearlys, trials etc, how did you do them...