Search results

  1. fallenstar

    society and culture

    Like everything, it scales badly if you do badly. If you put the effort in, it's sweet. I personally LOVE it. I think your friends are telling you to drop it because the PIP is such a huge amount of work. But it's so engaging and you really do learn something that you can use in uni - social...
  2. fallenstar

    eng adv: Creative composition

    HA! that made me lol. or perhaps i'm just delirious from all the journeys study...
  3. fallenstar

    Maths Problem!!!

    yes and it won't pollute our forum with maths at the same time. get a headache just looking at it.
  4. fallenstar


    exactly. it's all individual.
  5. fallenstar

    procrastinating: your biggest distractions

    that's hilarious especially about your mum and the pool. i'm glad that you can procrastinate, i had this vision of you as someone absolutely entrenched in hsc study, with your 9-hour days and whatnot. makes me feel better about my studying (and procrastination) :)
  6. fallenstar


    Hi, can anyone help me out with this? Scenario: 5th - 88 (internal) and 90 (external exam) 1st - 92 (internal) and 91 (external exam) If 5th is internally 4 marks behind 1st, yet only 1 mark behind them in the external... does 5th receive, for their moderated internal assessment, 87...
  7. fallenstar

    English = Study block

    is it 9 hours of effective study? or a bit of biting your nails, twiddling thumbs in between studying? nice idea for English though. It would get you off to a good start and get you in the mindset psychologically. I might just adopt that idea actually, i've been focusing most on my last few...
  8. fallenstar

    Yet another UAI prediction.

    huh? why would he be worried about his marks? he got 96% in extension history & religion, 98 in society, 93 in modern and nearly 90 in english & ipt. did you misread or something? the op meant 48/50, not out of 100. @ op: you do exactly the same subjects as me, it's insane. i'm getting...
  9. fallenstar

    ok, so im hitching myself onto the bandwagon

    ahhh it's so good to read about your love for history in general sonya + kujah. my class is full of people who don't really care. there are a few who really enjoy it but most of the people who do Modern are indifferent...which seems infathomable to me when we are learning about such crucial...
  10. fallenstar

    ok, so im hitching myself onto the bandwagon

    haha that sounds like my modern teacher. she always gives 9 out of 10 to me for ww1 even though other modern teachers argue it's a 10. she has rarely given full marks to anyone for any modern essay, assessment, or practice response...and we have quite a few excellent mod students in our year...
  11. fallenstar

    Preliminary Society and Culture Students: PIP ideas

    please, please be sarcasm. i think 20 people at my school alone in the past three years have done body image or some kind of mental disorder as a pip. i remember we looked through past pips and those topics just kept coming up. gah, they were usually really poorly done too.
  12. fallenstar

    Question about EAS

    Thank you! :)
  13. fallenstar

    ok, so im hitching myself onto the bandwagon

    Is your cohort this year strong? It's so hard to guess UAIs like yours in such a small school. + I did the CSSA can't really judge your performance by your trial results. But you will do well anyway I'm sure :)
  14. fallenstar

    Scenario: HSC Starts tomorrow?

    Re: HSC Starts tomorrow? How do you do it?! You had two of my major works + EE2 and you managed to be ready for the HSC three weeks ago? I'm amazed. I mean, I've been studying and all, but I am definitely not what i would call 'ready' (i.e. able to achieve high 90s in the externals; am a...
  15. fallenstar

    Question about EAS

    Someone above said that only a Justice of the Peace can verify documents sent with an EAS, yet another person said that someone at UAC said they verify documents for you... Can someone clear this up? (Without Wings? :))
  16. fallenstar

    desperate for UAI prediction plz!!!!!!

    Yeah, it's amazing how many people on this site post their ranks as first in Advanced English or even Extension Two, yet can't spell properly and/or use grammar correctly...
  17. fallenstar

    Selling My Ext History Project 4 You 2 Look At Or Other Things...

    You forgot to add, this deal comes free with the ability to decrease one's credibility while simultaneously increasing one's academic incompetence! Grab the chance to prevent the sharpening of your analytical skills and copy an admittedly 'below average' work. what a joke, way to rob others of...
  18. fallenstar

    100% Uai

    + cohort's performance scaling of subjects owning hsc exam
  19. fallenstar

    When do we receive our PIPs back?

    thanks =]