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  1. fallenstar

    Does anyone else suffer this?

    must you continue to be rude? really...what's the point?
  2. fallenstar

    Anyone else done subjects they regret doing?

    IPT IPT IPT Possibly the most boring subject on the syllabus. So much content and none of it is interesting. Also I wish I had kept Extension 1 English throughout Year 12, I dropped it because I thought it, combined with Extension History, would be too much. But I really enjoyed it.
  3. fallenstar

    are you happy with ur overall internal ranks

    so happy advanced - 3/100 mod - 1/40 extension hist - 1/16 society - 1/45 ipt - 1/12 re - don't know yet; perhaps 2/3 out of 120? somewhere around there. now just have to ace externals and IT'S OVER!!
  4. fallenstar

    Will you be booted out of the house if you do not achieve a good UAI?

    The first two pages of this thread are hilarious! I especially laughed at the part above...thanks for the lols guys :)
  5. fallenstar

    Does anyone else suffer this?

    1. I'm glad you found my comments about stereotyping funny, because they were actually jokes and not intended to come across as arrogant; for that i apologise. However, if you would like further laughs I suggest you access the wealth of literature on stereotyping at your nearest university...
  6. fallenstar

    Does anyone else suffer this?

    haha, it's quite insidious.
  7. fallenstar

    Does anyone else suffer this?

    You have just conformed to social categorisation, commonly known as 'stereotyping'. Predictably, you assume I'm a nerd purely because I express a passion for a subject. Perhaps if you actually did Society and Culture you may have a better chance of understanding my post and my enjoyment of the...
  8. fallenstar

    Final Internal Assessment Marks

    But don't the relative differences between students depend on how the assessment results are worked out in the first place? If they are worked out the first way (see initial post) then relative differences can be, for some, greater than the second way. Argh. I just hope it is the second way as...
  9. fallenstar

    When do we receive our PIPs back?

    Asked my Society teacher, she said around Week 10 of Term 3 (next week)? Seems early compared to what you said, but apparently it's happened previously...?
  10. fallenstar

    Final Internal Assessment Marks

    There's a bit of confusion at my school surrounding exactly how the final internal assessment marks are calculated. We get First Semester and Second Semester reports which have two different internal marks based on the cumulative assessment marks in those periods (December-May and May-August...
  11. fallenstar

    Internal PIP marks??

    Huh? What do you mean? The PIP is 30% of your external mark, and we never get the mark back out of 30, it's added to the percentage out of 100 the exam receives which is worth 20%. Or did your PIP counted as an internal assessment too within the context of your school? Coz I know at mine, and...
  12. fallenstar

    So what did everyone get?

    75/75 !! so happy, it's being sent to the History Teachers Association for a comp or something.
  13. fallenstar

    Pips For 2008

    Argh more than one major work is hell. Had the PIP, Extension History major project (worth 80% internal!) and IPT major. Managed to do them well, but juggling PIP and Ext was pretty intense...
  14. fallenstar

    Thoughts on CSSA Trial

    my class is going to pull the state down! there are about 3 people trying (including me) and the rest don't bother and deliberately answer the 20mk option studies on topics we haven't done!
  15. fallenstar

    SOFT subjects (the easy way out) . Your thoughts?

    haha me too. He does write pretty well. What grandiloquence!
  16. fallenstar

    SOFT subjects (the easy way out) . Your thoughts?

    This was actually quite hilarious and also rather insightful. I do agree with you in that rote-learning is not true academia and one of the things I hate most about the HSC is that regurgitation is rewarded. Many times I have injected analysis and personal research into my responses, only to be...
  17. fallenstar

    loving S&C.

    research the focus studies outside of the syllabus. ie. i'm reading Storey's work on Popular Culture, it's fascinating. The creation of a high culture and therefore a 'low culture' to compensate...So intriguing. as for work & leisure, i do find that a little tedious, but no course is perfect...
  18. fallenstar

    loving S&C.

    haa i'll see you at a SAC Anonymous meeting someday. like Lisa said, doing the PIP was amazing, it's so fulfilling to finish and hold the final product of all the research and intense writing.
  19. fallenstar

    UAC Pin

    thanks everyone :) i'll give them a call tomorrow.
  20. fallenstar

    UAC Pin

    I'm trying to apply online; they are asking for a UAC Pin - have schools been issued with this yet? UAC site says NSW schools should have given them out in August. All we have been given is our BOS Online pin which will allow us to access our HSC results. Any info regarding the UAC pin would be...