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  1. BradCube

    Does God exist?

    ha ha. I wanted a response from toadstooltown before the burden of proof was switched! :P I feel as though I have gone through my position on this earlier in the thread, but I will re-iterate. If morals are based around Gods character, which I believe they are, then there are objective morals...
  2. BradCube

    Does God exist?

    Science can explain why chemicals in a person can cause them to feel a certain way. Can science however explain the cause of certain chemicals based on situations. ie, can science explain why emotional feelings related to love cause the chemicals that they do? Well I thought we did come up with...
  3. BradCube

    Does God exist?

    Please give a reasonable example here. As far as I can tell, having a source that is never proven to be wrong is a pretty good reason to trust it. There are plenty of claims in the bible that could be shown to be false if in fact they were. Ha ha, no, not at all. What I meant was that...
  4. BradCube

    Does God exist?

    Why shouldn't God have bearing on one's moral behaviour?
  5. BradCube

    Does God exist?

    So philosophical problems, emotional problems and any other problems outside of tangible testable scenarios do not exist? Therefore they should be ignored or disregarded entirely? And my point is that tangible scenarios and situations are not the only scenarios and situations humans face on...
  6. BradCube

    Does God exist?

    Come again? If I have an opt out (I take this to mean reason for belief?) the Bible is less reliable? You may have to give an example of how you feel I would opt out in a way that is illogical or invalid. The reason to play these Bible games is to see whether I have good reason to believe...
  7. BradCube

    Does God exist?

    Ahh, but take note Kwayera, I am not currently addressing whether there is meaning and purpose behind the universes existence. I am talking about whether there is reason or cause for it's existence in the first place. Any purpose or meaning behind the universes existence is external to this...
  8. BradCube

    Does God exist?

    Of course you need a scenario with cause and effect because this is all that science can test - hence my original point that science cannot test and prove everything. With that in mind I would be interested to find out how you would tackle the cause of the existence of the universe, and how that...
  9. BradCube

    Does God exist?

    Ok, cool. It's definitely a personality issue then. Where person A is happy to not seek and person B wants to seek answers. The problem lies in when person A says that persons B's views are wrong simply because they have there own views or vice-versa. Beliefs within themselves have no bearing...
  10. BradCube

    Does God exist?

    No, not at all. However, in this case PwarYuex has openly admitted to not caring about searching for answers. Again, it must be a personality issue more than anything. Even still though, I don't know how someone arrives at the conclusion of "just because" unless it is a choice to just ignore...
  11. BradCube

    Does God exist?

    In my opinion, this difference comes for a few reasons. The first is that the person believing in God (or Christian) has sought out this information or answers regarding a God rather than dismissing the whole case or not pursuing it at all. The second is that, yes, any claim without reasons for...
  12. BradCube

    Does God exist?

    A few things caught my eye in your responses here PwarYuex You seem to be talking here as if you have complete knowledge of what God would be like if in fact he did exist. I find it quite difficult to see how you can maintain this position knowing that you say you "neither know, care, nor will...
  13. BradCube

    Does God exist?

    Was that in relation to something I said?
  14. BradCube

    Does God exist?

    I think you may have misunderstood what I meant here. I did not mean to say there are reasons people believe. I meant to imply that there are scientific proofs of why those people believe those things. ie. they may have a medical condition which cause them to see hallucination's. I think you are...
  15. BradCube

    Does God exist?

    If the reasoning is absurd as you put it, why then is it not refutable? Possibly the claim is absurd yet not refutable? For example I could claim that my brother flew to Netpune and now lives there in a section that cannot be found but is fully habitable. It would be pretty hard to refute a...
  16. BradCube

    Does God exist?

    This reply is directed back at Slidey and anyone that I may have been misguided in my post Slidey was replying to. Just want to apologize Slidey if I had been a little unclear in my original post. I was not meaning to state that the study was void in it's own right. My reason for bringing it...
  17. BradCube

    Does God exist?

    I will be honest with you and say that I am having a difficult enough time trying to understand what you have written let alone formulate an answer to it! :P With that in mind I will will endeavor to provide you with a response to your questions here. Is it at all feasible to derive...
  18. BradCube

    Does God exist?

    This comment really eerked me. Probably because it implies that I am a moron or unintelligent because I lean on the side of belief in God. I find four faults in what a study like this sets to achieve. 1 - It is an Appeal to Authority. This is because it tries to show that the position of the...
  19. BradCube

    Does God exist?

    Well, I suppose that could be one interpretation but I think we are a little beyond ourselves here since no one has even brought forward anything to suggest that hell is simply the absence of God. I would be interested to investigate whether this really is an accurate interpretation of the...
  20. BradCube

    Does God exist?

    I was under the impression that at the point where the universe began all of our dimensions were also created. Surely then there could be no such space or void with these properties before this occurrence?