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  1. jlh

    Club Mac?

    hahaha.. lake.. LOL...
  2. jlh

    evening subjects

    yeah i've made 3 different possible timetables. one for the BIT program, another for a BIT to BAppFin/BEc timetable that minimizes the math and comp units involved, and another which is an alternative to the BIT timetable with just different math units!! all my timetables have backup times...
  3. jlh


    yeah that is the requirments for the program, but its the thing your looking for. each subject is offered on different semesters, some even run in both semesters. all you do is just find out what subjects run in what semesters and make a timetable out of it. don't forget, you have to follow...
  4. jlh


    hahaha.. but this gets done every semester.... so its like having 2 mini HSC exams every year!!
  5. jlh

    helping a friend-kinda urgent

    i'd agree with hopeful. tell your friend to check out the sci degree and see what subjects they do in first year and then try to do a similar pattern in the b.sci. i haven't looked at the sci degree structure but i'd imagine it would have alot of biology and chemistry stuff, so...
  6. jlh

    maquarie uni station?

    it seems to me that macq only offers 3 commerce/business related courses, these being b. commerce, b. economics, b. business admin. the other course listings just add "marketing, actuarials, etc" which just simply points out the major of the degree. whereas uts just has its "generic" b...
  7. jlh

    Club Mac?

    are you talking about the main quad? cuz if you are, it is open everyday. they don't close it off, lectures and tutes are held in that building. there is no place off limits to usyd, except maybe te pharmacy building because its being revamped!! hahaha.. fisher research is scary... i...
  8. jlh


    ah it looks like i live the furtherest!! PRESTONS.. thats past liverpool, next to casula!! i gotta catch a 30 min bus from the estate to liverpool station, then train to strathfield, change to epping, then bus!! it will cost me around $48-$50 if i get a 5 day timetable!! i wish i had a car!!
  9. jlh


    from memory, it says ID (passport if your not an australian citizen or something), tax file number, handbook, proposed timetable and some money if you want to buy any textbooks. you don't have to pay the student fees till the 27th as toby already mentioned!!
  10. jlh

    after final round offers

    they don't have to catch up in the subjects because your subjects only run for 1 semester. but yes you will be around half a year behind, unless you choose to do summer/winter school or take up a bigger courseload!
  11. jlh

    Questions about university

    that depends on the lecture and the time its on. the earlier and midday lectures for some courses are jam packed, while the lecture of the same course but in the arvo can be pretty bare. i'd say the best time to talk to a stranger is right before the lecture when you are all waiting outside of...
  12. jlh

    What is required to get into pharmacy now?

    it will be lesser HECS places and an increase in FEE PAYING, so it shouldn't affect us by alot *knock on wood*. and arn't the uni's getting more funding? i can't remember the new uni reforms but i swear i remember reading somethign about extra funding!!
  13. jlh

    evening subjects

    k thanks for the info!! :) im gonna have to redo my timetable again!! :(
  14. jlh


    you get stuvac at macq? i must of heard wrong then.. my bad.. as for what to study, it depends on the lecturer. some are really kind and hint at what you should pay more attention on, while the others just give you a broad range of chapters from the text.
  15. jlh

    maquarie uni station?

    why do you think that "..."? i'm not sure which uni is better in the business/commerce area so i'm interested in why you think that?
  16. jlh

    maquarie uni station?

    i'd rather have a campus in the city like UTS than a spaced out campus like macq or usyd!!
  17. jlh

    Lecture Question?

    i'm trasnferring from my first year at usyd. at usyd, the tutes/pracs are compulsory, but at macq tutes/pracs are only compulsory for some units. yeah they will, but when exactly in a few years will there be a boom in the market? i remember in 2002 when applying for uni courses, UTS sent me...
  18. jlh

    1st yr

    i take it your doing BBA/BCom-ACCG? according to your study pattern, BU007, you don't have to do BBA103. I figure the CORE ECON units that form the BCom degree cancel out BBA103.
  19. jlh

    after final round offers

    uni's are trying to cutback on overenrolling. i guess they fill those spots with enrolments in mid year.
  20. jlh

    transfer - is it possible to avoid core 100 units?

    yeah i agree with the usyd system being much easier. as for changing yoru timetable later on, you can manipulate the system to get you a pretty good timetable, but its time consuming. what courses were you looking at?