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  1. jlh


    yeah so you should be able to enrol in comp123. but i don't see why you should bother if your already familiar. it would be an easy HD, but then again it would count to your HECS debt!! LOL... theres another way of looking at it!!
  2. jlh


    so it didn't count towards your HSC?
  3. jlh

    International vs. Local students study programs

    its exactly the same CORE 100 level units. if you look at the international program , in 2nd year they do comp123 and econ141.
  4. jlh

    Comp123 but you mentioned you didn't do any type of computer subjects at high school right?
  5. jlh

    Uni websites

    try but as honky tonk said, i doubt there would be a site like this one dedicated for certain uni units of study!!
  6. jlh

    What is required to get into pharmacy now?

    is it one of the lowest paid grad degrees is it? do you know how much? but if i remember correctly, i think its the degree with the higest grad employment rates!!
  7. jlh

    International vs. Local students study programs

    oh yeah i forgot the most important unit for bcom(mktg).. thats the MKTG101.. hahaha.. the heart of the degree!! opps.. my bad!! so it looks like ACST101, BBA102 and MKTG101 are the ones they don't overlap... since yoru only allowed to do 4 subjects per semester, the rest of the other core...
  8. jlh


    yeah that has no pre-reqs for it so you should be able to do it!!
  9. jlh


    yeah you can do COMP subjects even if you didn't do any comp subjects in highschool. which COMP unit are you thinking of doing?
  10. jlh


  11. jlh

    International vs. Local students study programs

    you can.. you just have to do the core units for each degree. see for BAppFin, the core units are: ACST101, ECON110, ECON111, ECON141, ACCG100, ACCG101, STAT170, COMPxxx. and for BCom-MKTG: ACCG100, ACCG101, BBA102, COMPxxx, ECON110, ECON111, ECON141, STAT170. they all seem to share...
  12. jlh

    transfer - is it possible to avoid core 100 units?

    i guess it all comes down to personal preferences!! i'd rather have a block of classes (lecs/tutes/pracs) of around 3-5 hours.. then a break!! i couldn't stand the same lecture for more than 2 hours, but it looks like MKTG will be a killer!!
  13. jlh


    uh it doesn't really matter if your tute is before the lecture or not. since most tutorials start in WEEK2, in that first tutorial you will be going over material covered in WEEK1 lectures! your tutor will make sure you cover all the required material. it is of course your personal...
  14. jlh

    International vs. Local students study programs

    they would be the same core units for the same degree award. but you will have to look also at: and hope this helps!!
  15. jlh

    transfer - is it possible to avoid core 100 units?

    what do you mean "iambored"? at usyd you have alot of flexibility and in most degrees you have at least 1 elective per semester that you could do anywhere in the uni. at usyd, they give you a personalised timetable, and if your not happy with it, you can alter it by either a) requesting...
  16. jlh

    What is required to get into pharmacy now?

    then the uni recommends you do the chemistry bridging course before you start. i'm not sure how much that will cost but it will bring you up to speed with the rest.
  17. jlh

    transfer - is it possible to avoid core 100 units?

    well i can tell you now, usyd seems to handle enrolment and timetabling much more 'user friendly' than macq does. i'd rather spend 2-3 hours enroling at usyd then go thru all this crap with making your own timetable and stuff with macq.
  18. jlh


    comp123 sounds like it teaches you the basic of computing, eg word. but comp114 (intro to info sys) looks must more relavent because of how computers are organised in a systematic environment in a business.
  19. jlh

    Lecture Question?

    well i'm doing comp115, math123, stat170(monday at 2pm) and mktg101 (friday session)... looks like we're all in similar classes. i've done the usyd equivalent(econ1002) of econ110!! so i get credit for that!! :) by the looks of us BIT students, it looks like we're all going to trasnfer to...
  20. jlh

    1st yr

    whats a module? is that another word for a major? i don't understand all the macq lingo yet!