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  1. Sarebs

    iGen is crap. Really. I've been a sucker! 3rd iPod, 2nd iPhone (i'ma sell it, I dnt like it...

    iGen is crap. Really. I've been a sucker! 3rd iPod, 2nd iPhone (i'ma sell it, I dnt like it anymore) and now a MacBook. Fucking Apple got me good. Feels like they raped me :(. Haha soccer is pretty gay. My brother goes nuts for it. Do you have that Sentana or something channel? It's rubbish...
  2. Sarebs

    Whoops, chucked this on my page lol! I dunno... I've been hating on Christmas lately. I'm sick...

    Whoops, chucked this on my page lol! I dunno... I've been hating on Christmas lately. I'm sick of banks, shops and all those people trying to make money off me. Haha I'm just an angry teenager. Haha politics is a dirty business... I hear it calling my name! Computers always stuff up. They never...
  3. Sarebs

    I dunno... I've been hating on Christmas lately. I'm sick of banks, shops and all those people...

    I dunno... I've been hating on Christmas lately. I'm sick of banks, shops and all those people trying to make money off me. Haha I'm just an angry teenager. Haha politics is a dirty business... I hear it calling my name! Computers always stuff up. They never do what I want. Windows and Mac...
  4. Sarebs

    I dunno... I've been hating on Christmas lately. I'm sick of banks, shops and all those people...

    I dunno... I've been hating on Christmas lately. I'm sick of banks, shops and all those people trying to make money off me. Haha I'm just an angry teenager. Haha politics is a dirty business... I hear it calling my name! Computers always stuff up. They never do what I want. Windows and Mac have...
  5. Sarebs

    Oh well you can celebrate a Festivus for the rest of us. But Christmas is rubbish anyway. Haha...

    Oh well you can celebrate a Festivus for the rest of us. But Christmas is rubbish anyway. Haha I hate computers. I really do. They kill me. But that person must have been pretty dumb not to have known to turn it on. Well I don't really know what I'll be doing. Prob end up in something to do...
  6. Sarebs

    09ers Yr 12 Formal

    Put a picture in.
  7. Sarebs

    ipod apps

    -Lemonade something -Facebook -Flashlight -Running balls or something
  8. Sarebs

    09ers Yr 12 Formal

    Work this time damn you!
  9. Sarebs

    09ers Yr 12 Formal

    My formal...
  10. Sarebs

    Oh us bogan kind have thick skin... we're used to the insults lol. And yes, I'll admit it, I'm a...

    Oh us bogan kind have thick skin... we're used to the insults lol. And yes, I'll admit it, I'm a white bogan. Cricket is one of those things... you hate it one day, love it the next. 20/20 isn't slow. Appeals to most people. Random workshop... which involves? Do you celebrate Christmas? Haha...
  11. Sarebs

    Now that you mention it, you only really see bogan white kids at schoolies. So you're into a...

    Now that you mention it, you only really see bogan white kids at schoolies. So you're into a good school for senoir yrs? Well I drink a lot, and I enjoy watching the cricket no end! And I'm moving on the 30th! Other than that... I do nothing. What are your plans for the hols?
  12. Sarebs

    I know. It anticipation surpasses all the times I counted down Christmas for months as a kid. If...

    I know. It anticipation surpasses all the times I counted down Christmas for months as a kid. If I stuff up, it'll be a very moody Christmas. No matter what results I get, I doubt it'll be much of a Christmas celebration, more of a Festivus celebration! Need as in "need so and so mark to go to...
  13. Sarebs

    Hahaha results come out 16th/17th Dec. It's killing me. Once I get my results... I can begin...

    Hahaha results come out 16th/17th Dec. It's killing me. Once I get my results... I can begin moving properly. Oh you're waiting too... for your school certificate! Do you need particular results in that?
  14. Sarebs

    Lol you're smarter than me then... seeing as though I was too slack to study... even for the HSC...

    Lol you're smarter than me then... seeing as though I was too slack to study... even for the HSC :( Well now the HSC is over all I do is socialise basically. It's so bad! I hope my HSC went well, but I really have no idea.
  15. Sarebs

    Most annoying book of all time

    This! Minus the day or two bit, I had ages to read it.
  16. Sarebs

    Omg... haha not going to school for ages makes you forget other ppl still have to study. But...

    Omg... haha not going to school for ages makes you forget other ppl still have to study. But you'd only be in yr 9 or 10? What study is there to do then? Yep... HSC being over is the best. It's just fucking killing me sitting round waiting for my results!
  17. Sarebs

    Sick of twil-friggin-light!!!!!!!!

    I don't care about Edward. I don't care about Jacob. I don't care about any of it. I wish everyone would take note of it, and stop bringing it up on convos!
  18. Sarebs

    "I'd kill her its simple!"

    I fink u shuld start ritin properly. Anyway... yeah this shit happens everywhere just under different names. It's shocking. I would never do it, it says more about yourself than anyone else.
  19. Sarebs

    Ahahaha wowzers wasn't expecting you to have heard that song. Freaky. Monday night and drinking...

    Ahahaha wowzers wasn't expecting you to have heard that song. Freaky. Monday night and drinking do not mix. Pot? And 15? Ohmigogh. You lil rebel! You lucky lil rebel!
  20. Sarebs

    Lol. 505 (posts)... love that song. Would suggest you lay off the alcohol... then read you were...

    Lol. 505 (posts)... love that song. Would suggest you lay off the alcohol... then read you were only fifteen. Ahahaha dw we're all a bit nuts.