i have been cursed to have 2 exams in 1 day at randwick racecourse from 8:30-4 :mad2:
Just wondering if anyone know any place for food around that area without having to walk to anzac parade?
Since you said you haven't attended classes then I fear even if you were granted a resit it wouldn't help you much.
The pre-req issue is a non-issue because even if they weren't you will have to repeat those units and be one year late anyway (unless you overload or do summer). Depending on...
Comm/law doesn't really increase your prospect of employment if you have no interest in becoming a lawyer or doing law-related commerce jobs. Further to this problem is that comm/law only allow 1 comm major, if anything, it will shrink your employment prospect.
Same except I prefer high school :P.
To OP: I hated uni for most part, only started to get use to it in the past 9 months (me in 3rd yr) but I would not say I 'like' it by any measure. For me my major barrier is the social aspect of things, i miss the feeling of having a large group of close...
A close relative did med science at a Go8 uni with 2nd class honour and hasn't been able to get a job in a related field. In all honesty the degree seems to offer very limited job oppotunities in Australia. All his friends who did med science are now working in unrelated fields. Med science...
I have to agree with this. Based on this unsw distribution https://my.unsw.edu.au/student/academiclife/assessment/gumleaf_diagram.html
Only 50% of students will get 70 or above. To say getting 70 is easy would be like saying '50% of uni students cannot achieve an easy task'.
But it's not...
I have it once in a blue moon since i was a kid. I don't get as scare as you guys lol.
For me it usually happens when I don't have enough oxygen. Say the blanket accidently get flip onto my face and I think my body reacts by trying to wake me up to get air, but I would be in this paralyzed...
Some uni provides a list of courses stating the minimum WAM (which is basically your average marks for all the subjects you done) required for internal transfers. For example, transferring to B Business B Arts in Int. Studies might require, say, 70 WAM. If achieved that, then you can transfer...
Doing tutorial questions, lecture questions and going through lecture notes is the way to go. Past paper can usually be accessed online via uni library's website, or some lecturers would post them up on blackboard before exam.
Don't think you can convert it accurately, can't believe maq is still using gpa.
Assuming all your subjects are worth the same units, just add them up then divide by the number of subject you did, which gives you your WAM. WAM of 75+ is distinction or better.
It is suppose to be set, but so long there are spare spaces in that class they usually allow you to change, otherwise you need some 'exceptional' reason.
My experience is not far from you. Mine was a math course and I did not understand 99% of the content. I couldn't even do a single tutorial question (no kidding) and I haven't a clue what the lecturer is talking about most of the time.
When we were doing the class test the tutor looked at the...
You can either:
1) ask student admin whether you can still enrol in another unit (maybe they will let since it is still early in the semester), or
2)you can leave it as it is and make up for it in summer semester (so you can graduate with everyone else), or
3)you can overload next semester...
From memory you are only allow to enrol up to the first week of uni. After that if you want to change you have to goto student admin and they say that requries 'exceptional circumstance'.
Homework or "study study"?
I usually spend 2.5 hours to prepare my law class readings for each class (including making class notes), there's 2 law subjects, total 4 law classes per week so approx 10 hours per week just for law. I have 2 more accounting subjects which generally take 1.5 hr to...