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  1. nrs1990

    Early Entry, Who got in?

    I've got entry into Creative Arts (Creative Writing), so long as my UAI "is appropriate". I'm not exactly sure what that means, or what UAI they're looking for, but I'm not massively worried since I'm looking at high 90's. I'm still waiting on Law... They said that they'd contact us by...
  2. nrs1990

    WWI syllabus

    There was a new syllabus for modern in 2006, I think.
  3. nrs1990

    conics query.

    For the hyperbola, they can switch, but it has nothing to do with if b>a. You switch a and b around when you're working with the inverse function, that is, when y<SUP>2</SUP>/b<SUP>2</SUP> - x<SUP>2</SUP>/a<SUP>2</SUP> = 1 . That hyperbola goes up and down, rather than left and right.
  4. nrs1990

    The Big Sleep HELP!!!!!

    The discussion of horse racing is related to the whole romantic side of things.
  5. nrs1990

    Going overseas during the big summer holidays

    The only thing might be assessment tasks -- I remember I had some quite close to the end of term last year. But if you organise with your teachers in advance, it should be okay.
  6. nrs1990

    what to wear?

    Creative Arts (Creative Writing) / Law... I've got my interview tomorrow. I'm kinda scared about it.
  7. nrs1990

    Does the School Certificate and Trials even matter?

    The SC trials aren't important. I don't even remember what I got. ;) The school certificate itself... If you're leaving school, it could be useful, and some early entry applications for uni ask what you got. But beyond that, no one really cares about the school certificate. The sad thing is...
  8. nrs1990

    Do you feel "let down" when the teacher asks you to summarise?

    I don't always learn from summarising, but it does give me notes -- which I use for memorisation -- so I think it's still useful.
  9. nrs1990

    If you are in year 11, read this first.

    You still have to go to two unit class, since extension 1 and 2 are still built on that same content. If you do extension 2, 2 unit doesn't count. Whether you sit 2 unit assessment tasks is up to you -- if you do stick with extension 2 they won't count, but a lot of people at my school sat...
  10. nrs1990

    Modern History Studying Tips

    Re: How do you study for modern? For modern, you don't need to memorise everything. They're not going to test you on how well you can recite tiny details about the coursework. What you need to remember are the bits and pieces you'd want to use in an essay. I have detailed notes, but in the...
  11. nrs1990

    Selective Schools: Good or Bad?

    I think it depends on the teacher, rather than the school. I've had some teachers who are like that... But this year, I've been really lucky with my teachers. They are engaging us, trying to help us do the best we can. They try to get us to think, rather than just throwing worksheets at us...
  12. nrs1990

    Self-learning or tutoring?

    Remember that if you don't get a tutor, you won't be doing it yourself. You'll still have your teachers. If they're not good... well, that can be annoying. But if you have good teachers, they will teach you what you need to know. If you get stuck, you can go to them to ask for help. I know that...
  13. nrs1990

    wondering if anyone can help me

    I think University of Wollongong has a combined Arts/Creative Arts degree.
  14. nrs1990

    Would i get penalise for?

    There's also the risk the marker won't know which your set text is -- and could mark you down for not writing as well about 'Immigrant Chronicles' or 'Rabbit Proof Fence' as someone who's actually studied it in class. It also doesn't make as good an impression on the marker, who could be...
  15. nrs1990

    The DET Portal. Help or Hinder?

    I have a friend who tried to email an essay to our teacher using school email... It was blocked, apparently because of "inappropriate content". She's mystified as to what was inappropriate about it. In Modern once, we were meant to be researching Nazi Germany. The DET internet wouldn't allow...
  16. nrs1990

    Which subject is more "prestigious" - English Extension 2 or Mathematics Extension 2?

    Perhaps you should consider the possibility that English Advanced (essays) uses a different skillset to English Extension 2, which involves creative pieces? So arguing the fact that someone does better in English Extension 2 than Advanced, while others do worse in Maths Extension 2 than 2 Unit...
  17. nrs1990

    Self-learning or tutoring?

    I've never had a tutor and I'm doing fairly well. I don't study more than my tutored friends to make up for it. (In fact, judging by the way they spend lunch times studying in the leadup to exams, I probably study less.) I don't think my marks would have been improved by tutoring. The problem...
  18. nrs1990

    UAI - Picking the subjects that scale or the subjects you like

    I think it's better to do the subjects you like, because it is easier to study for them. If I get a choice between studying for maths extension 2 or english advanced, I study for the maths, and that's reflected in my performance in the subjects. I don't think it's a coincidence that (at the...
  19. nrs1990

    You know you've been doing too much maths when...

    Yesterday I was making pizza for lunch. I couldn't stop myself trying to figure out what the graph for... x = time in oven y = yumminess ...would look like. And it took me surprisingly long to realise the insanity of what I was doing, and how much study for maths was corrupting my mind...
  20. nrs1990

    New BA Communications????

    Does the new writing and cultural studies degree have much in the way of writing? Because, looking at the new course... It looks like it doesn't have a lot of the subjects that looked so interesting and relevant to specific fields of writing; which were what made me want to do the old degree.