Search results

  1. nrs1990

    10 units or 12?

    I have only ten units this year, but I've already completed four, giving me a total of fourteen. The thing is I'm doing both Extension 2's (Maths and English) and at the times when all the assessment tasks come at once, I find it quite stressful. I'm wondering whether I should drop Legal...
  2. nrs1990

    Class of '08 Roll Call

    My school's using Cambridge, when they get enough textbooks for all of us. There are a lot of people doing extension 2 this year. I'm doing Extension 2, even though I did okay in the 2 Unit HSC last year... It just looks like fun.
  3. nrs1990

    How much do you like your subjects?

    Eng Adv. - 6 Eng Ext 1 - 7 Eng Ext 2 - 10 Maths Ext 1 - 7 Maths Ext 2 - 9 Modern History - 9 Legal Studies - 5
  4. nrs1990

    more important - rank or mark??

    What matters isn't the mark you get, it's how the mark compares to everyone else. I got 89% in three straight maths assessments for my 2 unit HSC... But my rank differed greatly between them - from 71st to around 30th. What matters is the rank. The mark only matters so far as it compares with...
  5. nrs1990

    Desperately need to drop a subject...

    If you're doing well in all your subjects (assuming that none are required for uni courses) then it has to come down to which ones you enjoy. I know that I prefer to study for the subjects I like far more than the subjects I don't, and I tend to do better in them, too. Also, think about...
  6. nrs1990

    How does legal studies compare to university law?

    I'm doing legal studies at the moment, but I'm not really enjoying it... Not nearly as much as my other subjects. I'm wondering - how does it compare to law at uni? Because, I worry that if I'm not enjoying legal studies, I won't enjoy doing law, either... I have heard that it gets more...
  7. nrs1990

    Class of 2008 EE2 Rollcall

    I'm doing short story. I worry that my style is not at all literary, especially considering the fanciness in all the high marking past major works my teacher's been showing us. But I get a feeling that I'll come out of this course a better writer than I went in, and so far I've been enjoying...
  8. nrs1990

    Should I do Legal Studies? Questions & Answers

    I'm in year 11 Legal Studies. It is a very theory based subject. That can make it a dry subject, but also means that if you know the stuff, you should be fine with it... Unlike subjects, like English, where the marking is more subjective. Also worth noting is that it's one of the subjects...
  9. nrs1990

    School / Subject

    Re: POLL - What school you at? Hurlstone Agricultural High School. Good school, except for the Agriculture part.
  10. nrs1990

    Year 11 Workload

    I'm in year 10, but I've finished year 11 for two subjects (Maths and IPT). I noticed... It didn't feel like THAT much more work, though I'm at a good school, but there's more pressure to do the work. Because their your subjects and its your future. Plus, in year 12, you know that how you do is...
  11. nrs1990

    Post Your Sc Results Here!

    English - 95 (band 6) Maths - 94 (band 6) Science - 88 (band 5) Geography - 89 (band 5) History - 92 (band 6) Computing Skills - 99 I'm so glad year 10's over... Now I can run away from the subjects I've never wanted to do. (Like PE and Agriculture.)
  12. nrs1990

    Post your 2006 HSC results here!

    IPT: 93, Band 6. Only the one subject for this year.
  13. nrs1990

    Difference between animation and video?

    Video is continuous motion cut up into frames, while animation is made as frames then played to resemble continuous motion. They come at it from opposite ways.
  14. nrs1990


    I'm planning to start with Section 2, then do the multiple choice, then the options. So that I can rest my probably tired hand half way through. And I always stuff the multiple choice and do better on the long answers. So maybe I'd be better if I'm all alert and thinking and used to the IPT...
  15. nrs1990

    Is IPT your easiest subject?

    Agree that IPT is easy, it's comparable to year 10 stuff in other subjects. Our teacher is fairly inept, too. My school accelerates maths as well as IPT. So IPT isn't the only subject getting accelerated.
  16. nrs1990

    IPT Marathon 2006

    A database is the actual data, while a DBMS is the software which provides access to it. Question: What's a prototype?
  17. nrs1990

    Who came first in their ipt class :D

    I'm 1/15. But my entire class are accelerated year 10's so I'm not sure how much that actually means.
  18. nrs1990

    Is english pointless?

    English is compulsory, but Advanced English isn't. A lot of this thread seems to be bagging out Advanced English, saying how useless it is. But if it's so bad, why not just do General?