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  1. nrs1990

    Tough Subjects for HSC 2009

    I'm doing both 4 units... It is a lot of work -- a one unit subject normally has about the same work load (and a similar number of assessments) as a two unit subject; so it's the same work for half the units. As everyone else has been saying, you do need two other subjects, not just one. I'd...
  2. nrs1990

    Selective Schools: Good or Bad?

    I know the competitive nature of selective schools has both good and bad aspects. Personally, I find that it pushes me to do the best I can do; it stops me getting complacent and simply coasting. However, it does put students under more stress. But the reason I'm really for selective schools...
  3. nrs1990

    is it really necessary to do practise essays?

    Practice essays not only help you get your thoughts together (which I know I struggle to do quickly), but they help you refine and improve your essay writing for the topic; which means that what you write in the exam will be the product of this refining and improving. I guess you don't have to...
  4. nrs1990

    does ANYBODY enjoy their text for english?

    I'm relatively ambivilent towards most of my texts (although I passionately hate 'Antony and Cleopatra'...), but I really, really enjoyed 'The Real Inspector Hound' in English Extension 1. It was just... it made me laugh, and it was fun, and it was utterly insane, but in a good way. I really...
  5. nrs1990

    If I perform average for my internals, but absolutely BLITZ my externals...

    The externals are worth 50% -- so you do still have half of your assessment to go. It depends on how you do from here on.
  6. nrs1990

    FAQ: Early Entry

    Re: Early Entry for 2009 anyone? I'm applying for a double degree in creative arts/law, and on the online application for law, there's a little drop-down box asking what degree/combination you want to do. Maybe there's something similar for your combination?
  7. nrs1990

    4U english.. I don't get it

    It's a piece of writing in virtually whatever medium you want (short story, poetry, critical response, script, video, multimedia, radio play, etc.). The length varies from medium to medium, for example, for a short story, it's 6000-8000 words, for a script, it's about 30 minutes. Your concept...
  8. nrs1990

    how long does it take you to write an essay?

    The best mark I've ever gotten in an English essay was the one time I went in with one (largely) memorised. I mean, I edited the intro and conclusion to suit the question, and I didn't write it entirely word for word (though I'd suspect it was close), but I used the same structure, the same...
  9. nrs1990

    Should Maths be Compulsory?

    I don't think maths should be compulsory. It's not because I don't like the subject -- I'm doing Extension 2 -- but because I don't think that most HSC maths is particularly applicable to day-to-day life. Maths does teach important things we need to be able to do -- adding, subtracting...
  10. nrs1990

    Is it suicide to do both Extension 2 courses (Eng + Maths)?

    It's not suicide. I'm doing both and enjoying both -- and I'm not the only one at my school. The problem I see with extension subjects isn't that they're a massive amount of work (though they are a lot); more that each one unit subject has the same amount of assessments and stress as a two...
  11. nrs1990

    UTS(good or bad)

    I'm wondering what UTS's Communications in Writing and Cultural Studies degree is like? At the moment I'm tossing up between trying it and UoW Creative Writing degree - since writing fiction is what I really enjoy doing. (USyd and UNSW don't have any courses in that area, as far as I can see.)...
  12. nrs1990

    studying past papers

    Doing part papers does help you get used to doing exam style questions, so you have an idea of what to expect in the exam. I tend to start off by doing them untimed, and with my notes in front of me, so that I can look up stuff I don't know, and get used to the style of question. Once I'm used...
  13. nrs1990

    How is this course run?

    Yes, assessments are the major work and your reflections on the process of writing it -- so what medium you work in is entirely up to you. If poetry or whatever isn't your thing, then you don't have to do it. It's a very free subject. You can write pretty much anything (so long as you can link...
  14. nrs1990

    Crime fiction authors who both use and subvert conventions?

    Most crime fiction both uses and subverts conventions. I mean, most texts don't use all the conventions of the genre (and of the subgenre they belong to). They use them differently, and to different extents. For example, 'The Big Sleep' doesn't solve all the murders (the chauffers gets...
  15. nrs1990

    Difference between style and structure

    I'm not 100% sure, but I think style refers more to how the composer uses language -- so techniques would be language related: metaphors, similes, alliteration. Structure relates more to how it fits together, how it's ordered/organised, so you could talk about how different ideas are used in...
  16. nrs1990

    PIN for Students Online

    I did an accelerated course last year, but my pin doesn't work any more... The same happened last year, with my pin from the year before that. Seems like I'll be getting another new pin this year.
  17. nrs1990

    Typed or Handwritten?

    Typed, because they're neater and easier to read. (Except maths, since typing formulas is a pain.) I tend to use my notes as a reference, rather than for memorising, so it helps to be able to read them quickly. I actually learn the stuff when writing practice essays or doing practice questions.
  18. nrs1990

    Should English Be Compulsary Poll

    I don't think English is compulsory... And I'm doing four units of it. It's no more important than our other subjects. Maths, history, legal studies, sciences, computing, they're all relevant and are all important. But they're not compulsory. And nor should they be. Everyone has different...
  19. nrs1990

    Board of Studies Requirements

    The board of studies requirements state that students have to do at least four subjects. I'm wondering: are extensions separate subjects by this rule - for example, is maths extension 2 counted as a separate subject to maths extension 1? If they're not, do those four different subjects have...
  20. nrs1990

    Time to vent about english texts and uniforms!

    Age: 17 Sex: Female Name of School, University, or your occupation: Hurlstone Agricultural High School Suburb: The school's is Glenfield. 1. When you were (or are) at high school, how did you feel about your uniform? I'm currently in year 12, and I don't like my school's uniform. Why? The girls...