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  1. C

    wat should we knoe

    ey ey ey... few more days till exam... its too hard trying 2 remmeber 12 A4 apges of notes for ER where we ahve 2 study 4 utha topics as well...wat key points should we knoe for ER.....
  2. C

    Case study/ies for Financial?

    wtf,,...cases tudies, don't we only need 1 for amrketing 2 right a marketing report....
  3. C

    What Do I Need To Study?

    i'm ranked higher than jnr_mafia! ahahhahaha
  4. C

    What Do I Need To Study?

    jnr mafia ....send me ur notes...
  5. C

    senior science?

    fuckin' worst subject and tis even badder wen ur teahcer makes u copy notes off hsc online and doens't explain nething fucking dumb bitch RUINED MY FUTURE
  6. C

    What Do I Need To Study?

    fuck u cunts that don't submit ur fucking notes...ffs, how else can i fucking learn FUCK U'S
  7. C

    What Do I Need To Study?

    lol i'm commin fist or second out of like 12-14 ppl, and i fucken do no study and havnt' rote shit in a book, in fact i havnt' had a book for da whole 2 year course, i jsut right down da shit they giv us (half da time) and throw it out later on jsut to show i am doin da work.... its all bout...
  8. C

    2UNIT paper apparently needed 3UNIT skills!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    nah c'mon, ok i havn't fnished ne past papers, but i did look at em and i did do 1 of da q10 part a's in a past paper, it was a loan repayment one, and that was piss easy compared to this q10 in 05 paper
  9. C


    ahh sank q mate!. i try my best in pull my mark ok?
  10. C

    There is no more maths!!!!!!!!!!

    yea its cool theres no more amths, but if i had 2 choose ne subject 2 do , i woudl choose amths, tis fucknig hard, but its da only one i get good marks in, plus i can study for ages on it, and it feels not as bas as fucknig 30 min of english, sicnce and wat eva is fucknig shit hole!
  11. C

    When you finish you last exam you are....

    lol i got age of empires 3 bro, its a fucknig hectic game, ok ppl mite b thinkngi why iam aplying a game wen i should bstudyin..... only cos i got senior scince n tis fucked i dunno shit, neways i owuld b playing cs, but i am capped lol fuck aoe3 is good
  12. C


    LMFAO..i never thort en1 wann gonan reply 2 this ...ahah i was jsut so bored cos icannot study at all espeically for senior scence fucknig stupid teacher doesnt' teach shit... well igot bored n wanted 2 just unleash my anger at sum1
  13. C


    fuck u ur so rich i snob... well tis fucking ahrd 4 me, i live in a 1 room unit with no bloody air condition, we can't een aford a freezer, we have a mini fridge to hold all our stuff
  14. C

    things you do before the exam

    i have a big breakfast not from maccas but like a big one like either tuna n bread n fruit ..but theres one thing i must do, have a toss no joke. it calms me down...... for da english paper 2 exam, i done it twice in da morning cos i gotta calm myself down shit lolz... well i got it gonig twice...
  15. C

    For the 2 Unit kids..

    hey for starters, wtf is maramedics, soudn liek sum hospital mahchine?
  16. C

    what irritates you in the HSC exams?!?!

    has ne1 had ne good looking supervisors, i ahvn't
  17. C

    what irritates you in the HSC exams?!?!

    oi lol...are all your supervisosrs liek cheap cunts??? they wear the cheapest looking clothes n SHOES... lol it looks like thier so poor?????
  18. C

    When you finish you last exam you are....

    nah umm b4 da english paper2 , i pulled my dick twice jsut 2 calm myself down....
  19. C

    When you finish you last exam you are....

    r u fucking serious lol....... hahahah