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  1. C

    Comfort food... what eases your studying?

    try sum cat or dog...gets da mind goin
  2. C

    The "OMG I've Finished the HSC" thread

    lol i dunno wtf else i can say
  3. C

    What do you wear to the exams?

    gimem tips on wtf i can do with my uniform cos i wanna do sufming with it??? after hsc
  4. C

    What do you wear to the exams?

    i wear my "uniform" pants n jersey but i never been in full uniform all my life except for a week this year wen i was forced 2 purchase the proper pants
  5. C

    How did everyone go? (Discussion)

    ey they should have cyber sex threadd ey????
  6. C

    How did everyone go? (Discussion)

    fuk i ahte probablitly i prefer calculus
  7. C

    How did everyone go? (Discussion)

    huh wtf.. ur in year 10 and u do hsc wtf is going on dere mate NO FUCKING DOUBT U THORT IT WAS A AHRD EXAM ..UR IN YEAR 10 WTF
  8. C

    How did everyone go? (Discussion)

    i ahte those series questions wen ur like just 1 year off ..u keon wot i mean that shits confusing,,, yea last 3, fucknig ahrd as i do 2U but i reckon q9 was pretty simple
  9. C

    The "OMG I've Finished the HSC" thread

    i finish on business studies, but i dun care my tiem table is da bestest all spread out nicely with at elast 5-6 days braks per subject, netx exam, senior scince
  10. C

    How did everyone go? (Discussion)

    Fuk.. I Jsut Had Da Number I Didn't Put Da Year Ffs Fuck I Fuck Up Hahahaahh
  11. C

    How did everyone go? (Poll)

    i hate rpobalbliyu its dumb and confusing...they really wanna fuck wit ur mind
  12. C

    How did everyone go? (Poll)

    so true bro, i done my trials in jsut ova 2 hours.. n scored 86% but this was bullshit
  13. C

    How did everyone go? (Poll)

    nah i reackon question 9 was a blow over and i do do 2U however q8 n 10 i had not a clue... those fukngi alpha n beta mofo's piss me off like u fukin knoe da formula n shit fuk me dead
  14. C

    How did everyone go? (Poll)

    oh trud at, i liek that exponential gerowth n decay, cos they give u da formula already lol.... wheres all da good shit they give us stupid questions that r dumb that professor can go wipe his ass wit my paper
  15. C


    yea truy dat cos me n sum utha smart cunts in my class in both da 2 n 3 unit, found it hard
  16. C

    information systems

    lol i knoe u guys don't do s science, but do u know any infor in information systems cos seriously, my teacher is shit, she makes us copy down crap off da hsc online website and she doens't explain anything!!! iswear, shez fucked up my uai bad fcukngi hoe
  17. C

    2u Maths was hard!

    nah first past of 8 n 10 were ahrdest
  18. C

    How did everyone go? (Discussion)

    yea thats fcuknig bulllshit porlly da fag who made da paper has ason or faughter doing 3U and amde da questionsso that he/she can do it easily I WAS gonna drarw a tree diagram but i kinda forgot how too plus i didn't wanna waste time