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  1. C

    Stuck On Algebra!

    hey i need help with this question... can u's intergrate: 6e^x^(x/2) dx
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    Stuck On Algebra!

    u can't talk
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    well...can u try and draw diagrms with the slash sing \ \ \ use that n draw 4 me?
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    can u beter explain it plz?
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    yes, what is the sine rules?
  6. C

    Stuck On Algebra!

    fools, don't knoe how 2 exapnd algebraic functions....noobies
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    Topics in the HSC?

    u forgot one last topic......your mum
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    The textbook thread (special edition)

    dunno what their called, jsut knoe red book is yr12 and blue book is yr 11....good questions, answers are wrong
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    Urgent Help: Maths ...look at this thread

    hey can ne1 explain how to find nature of stat. poitns..stuff like that..cos ireally don't get it...cos i was doing this uqestion right..and i found da second derivative equal to zero, doesn't that mean point of inflexion occurs... i dunno but tha answer said it was a minimum..please educate me
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    2001 HSC paper problem questions

    ur all noobies
  11. C

    Truman Show Techniques/images/notes

    hahahahh looser counterstrike rulz u noobie...storm the front
  12. C

    2u Mathematics Marathon v1.0

    jesus........... u guys are all so smart..... i'm ranked number 1 in my school for maths but i don't knoe half da shit is going on hahahahaha
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    2001 HSC paper problem questions

    aight thanx heasp man ......wat bout question 6???
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    2001 HSC paper problem questions

    yeah i knoe thats da final asnwer, just wat did he do with the y and square root sign?? i'm guessing he elt it equal 2 zero and divded through by 2 and then square both sides?
  15. C

    2001 HSC paper problem questions

    u had this...domain: 25 - x^2 >= 0 x^2 - 25 <= 0 (x-5)(x+5) <= 0 wheres the square root gone, and did u let y = zero????
  16. C

    2001 HSC paper problem questions

    hey umm bro, that question is wrong unless u skipped sum steps?? in ur firs tline of wroking.. tha question iz: y=2"square root"(25-x^2)...state the domain and range
  17. C

    2001 HSC paper problem questions

    can sum1 asnwer my wuestions from hsc 2001 paper plz
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    2001 HSC paper problem questions

    hey i'm haing trouble with this paper..duno what domain/range is and need help on folowin questions 5 a) and part b) also 6 c part iii Thanx for da solutions in advanced
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    Truman Show Related Texts

    ur a loser fullmetaljacket...goth guy as if not share notes
  20. C

    Truman Show Techniques/images/notes

    these notes are crap ne better ones