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  1. C

    information systems

    yea i have, yo u replied, can u help wme with information systems plzpzlpzlplzplzplzplz
  2. C

    The Difference of Two Cubes

    yea that was fukngi ahrd, i didn't kneo wt fi was doing i used like 14 booklets all up!
  3. C

    How did everyone go? (Discussion)

    i oculdn't do that probalbity question umm i think it was blue, white, green thing i think sufming obut tickets, that was fukni ahrd prolly cos we never got taught that topic and was too lazy to teahc myself after da trails cos our school said we can elarn it last, that n Q8 n 10 non attempt...
  4. C


    how fukin ahrd was this exam, bro 8 n 10 could not much bs they make it too ahrd for our 2U brains were all doomed but luckyily i am ranked number 1 ahahah eheheh ahhahaha hehehe
  5. C

    2u Maths was hard!

    i didn't studee that ahrd cos i am leet and bestest in the state and ranked number 1 and can do any amths equation u want me to do, i'm so good i'm better than all of u wannabe math leets, but this exma was ahrd but i'm gonna beat all of u neway
  6. C

    what really pissed me off about this exam

    this exam was really hard, wat exam are yous talking about @u or general, i'm tlaking bout 2U
  7. C

    2005 Mathematics HSC Solutions

    oi, was this amths paper really ahrd, cosi foudn it fukni hard
  8. C

    information systems

    hey no one ever asners threads in sneior science class, well i;m doing the topic "information systems" and i need a quick summary of this topic.... the notes my teacher gives are crap as help would b appreaacited~!!!!
  9. C

    information systems

    hey no one ever aswners threads in sneior science class, well i;m doing the topic "information systems" and i need a quick summary of this topic.... the notes my teacher gives are crap as help would b appreaacited~!!!!
  10. C

    help on topic: information systems"

    hey no one ever asners threads in sneior science class, well i;m doing the topic "information systems" and i need a quick summary of this topic.... the notes my teacher gives are crap as help would b appreaacited~!!!!
  11. C

    wheres all da notes n stuff for this subject

    wheres all da notes n stuff for this subject???? i'm really dumb, can sum1 please submit their notes ere..cos seriously, tha notes in the reources section for S.sceince are totally crap just like most other notes on this site........ thier alla waste of my time reading them ,their...
  12. C

    Studying for S/Science

    ok seeing ur so smart, can u send me ur ntoes plz cos i really suck and if u can study da whole course in 3 hours, plz gimme ur notes plz plz plz
  13. C

    Urgent Help: Maths ...look at this thread

    and either loan repaments, superanutaion
  14. C

    revision notes

    bro..u can't use study notes in maths..only way is 2 do questions over n over again so u knoe the formulas n method of how 2 do everything....
  15. C

    question 9 and 10

    nah i actually found that money one 2 b far easier than sum of problems inq 7,8,9 in 04 paper
  16. C

    2u Mathematics Marathon v1.0

    yea lol, i got it now jsut couldn't b borhtered pictureng in my mind the doubel division signs, yeh i get it cheers
  17. C

    2u Mathematics Marathon v1.0

    wtf..please explain liek simplyer bro
  18. C

    question 9 and 10

    how lnog should u spend on q9 n 10, cos i never fnished a single paper (past paper) before.....cos i get stuck onq's 7 onwards so i go wank
  19. C

    2u Mathematics Marathon v1.0

    hey i need help do not understand this trig identity.. HSC PAST PPER 2004 Q9a i "consider the GP 1 - tan^2"theta" + tan^4"theta"...when is da limitngsum exists, find its value in simplest form... i done all da steps, buti don' understand last line of working..their last line is 1/sec^2"theta"...
  20. C

    Stuck On Algebra!

    ahahh i was bored, i don't even do general lol